april 21st, 2021: part two

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"all rise, the honorable justice miller presiding." calum, along with everyone else in the courtroom stood as the judge made his way to the bench.

"please be seated." he said. "before we begin, i will ask the courtroom deputy to administer the oath to the jurors."

the deputy stood up and turned to face the jurors. "would the jurors please rise and raise your right hand."

calum would be lying if he said he didn't start to zone out while the jury swore to the oath but was quickly brought back to focus when the judge ordered the jurors to be seated.

"this is a criminal case brought by the victim charging the defendant, john elliot bridges, with first degree kidnapping, first degree aggravated sexual assault and first and second degree assault." the judge said. "today we will be hearing opening statements from the attorneys and testaments from the victim and defendant and then the court will adjourn and we will meet again to begin the prosecution and examination and then reach a verdict. let's start with the opening statements by each attorney. are the prosecution and defense ready?"

"yes your honor."

"okay let's begin." he said. "we'll start with the prosecutor."

calum's breath hitched as his lawyer stood up to begin to speak. his hand, which was clutching tucker's, began to shake.

"your honor, members of the jury, my name is joseph wright and i am representing calum and tucker hood in this case. this is a clear case of kidnapping, assault and sexual assault. the defendant, john bridges, kidnapped my client calum hood on october 17th, 2014 and repeatedly raped and assaulted him. the evidence will show all these to be true and by the end of this trial i am sure you'll find the defendant guilty of all crimes."

calum's lawyer sat back down and sent calum a quick smile. the twenty five year old attempted to return the smile but failed when the defense attorney stood up to make his statement.

"your honor, members of the jury, my name is marcus cunnigham and i am representing john bridges in this case. my client pleads guilty to all crimes."

"very well." the judge said. "let's begin with the testament of our first witness and main victim of the crimes. calum hood you are called up to the stand."

calum took a deep breath and untangled his hand from tucker's before standing up and making his way towards the stand. he walked up the steps and sat down in the chair waiting for the judge to continue.

"will the victim please stand to be sworn in by the bailiff." the judge requested. calum nodded and stood back up.

"please raise your right hand." the bailiff stated. "do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

"i do." calum replied.

"you may be seated."

calum sat back down and quickly locked eyes with michael. the brunette sent calum a soft smile and reassuring nod.

"okay mr. hood, let's begin." the judge said softly. "your attorney, mr. wright, will be asking you some questions and just be as simple and straightforward as possible with your answers. do you understand?"

"yes your honor."

"good." he said. "mr. wright, you may begin."

calum's lawyer stood up from his seat and made his way over to stand in front of the stand.

"on october 17th, 2014 you were kidnapped by john bridges is that correct?"


"it says here that mr. bridges repeatedly raped and abused you and on one account he got you pregnant which resulted in you having a son who is here today. is this true?" calum froze.

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