Party (filler)

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The bright morning light flooded in through the large open window, bird song drowning out my ears with sweet melodies.

I could feel Eric's arms wrapped protectively around my stomach and a guilty smile crept upon my face. Slipping from his loving grasp, I crept out of bed and pulled on the clothes closest to me; most likely Eric's considering I don't actually own anything other than the worlds shittiest phone and two sets of clothes.

Better than nothing at all.

I watched as Eric lay sleeping softly on the excessively large king size bed, snoring softly as his chest rose and fell in time with his rhythmatic (fucking spell check says this isn't a word! It's lying right? Fucking fitta) breaths.

There's no way I can disturb him like that. I thought, smiling again. The door whined softly when I pulled it open but other than that, it complied nicely with my wishes to leave my Angel at peace. I leapt down the pristine stairs and danced into the kitchen.

"Hmmmmmm~" I hummed as I opened the unit to reveal a shit tonne of food. Eventually I settled on making some bacon for the both of us and I pulled out my headphones and began flicking through my music. It didn't take long for me to settle on "headphones" by Conor Maynard and begin to throw the fatty meat into the pan.


I woke up to the rising smell of bacon traveling throughout the house. As if on cue, my stomach yelled loudly at me to get my fat ass out of bed and eat the goddamned meat! Chuckling slightly (cause that's sane) I clambered out of bed and stumbled down the stairs.

Once I reached the kitchen I felt my heart skip a beat at the beautiful sight before me.

Cam was gracefully prancing about the kitchen, dancing and cooking and singing all at once.

"Walkin' to the tempo,
Lookin' like a weirdo,
Don' care what they thinkin'
Ima keep on singin'" he chirped, doing some kind of parkour move over the kitchen counter.

Eventually his eyes drifted to my own and he greeted me softly, refusing to break his sing-dance-cook multitask flow.

A smile broke free and plastered itself on my face as I walked over and cuddled my prancing baby.

"Good morning prancer" I cooed in his ear. He stopped singing and pulled out his earphones, cuddling me back in return.

"I hope you're hungry!" He chucked, motioning towards the stack of plates bacon "I've cooked enough food to sustain a whole town for a month"

I laughed and sat down at the table, motioning for Cam to sit next to me.

~happy skip~

"Hey Cam?" I said, "why don't we go out tonight? Not like a date or anything, like, for a drink or whatever?"

"Sure, sounds fun. Just don't get really drunk kay?"

"Alright! Cool!"

~I'm so sorry for that shit! Time skip~

The blaring lights shone all around the room, bouncing in time to the rave club music. Cam's smile shone in the illuminating lights and his eyes sparkled and danced.

"Alright! Let'sa geta partyin'"

(Oh god! I actually can't apologise enough for this shit! I don't really know what to except or how to react in social situations like this)

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