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My eyes flickered open to a somewhat familiar, dingy hallway; wallpaper pealing off the cracked walls.

I wandered down the hallway and turned into the somewhat familiar room.

The wall.

The wall full of blood, bile and torment forced the memories to flash at me all at once, bringing me to the ground.

Kill me.

Just let me die.

Why won't you let me DIE?!

Thought after thought they stabbed me. Over and over. Stab after stab.

A hand on my shoulder.

I turned around slowly, fear creeping over my whole body.

I knew who it was.

Cam knelt down on the ground beside me and pulled me into a loving hug. Warm relief washed over me as I hugged him back. "C-C-Cam?! Y-you're alive?!" I stuttered through tears.

"Don't die" he whispered into my ear

"W-what?" I choked

"Don't die" he repeated softly

"Cam?!" My voice broke

"Don't die"

I could feel Cam fading out of my grasp, leaving me alone again.

"CAM?! CAM!"

He dissolved from the fabric of reality, leaving me silent. Lost for words.

I won't die.


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