Eric fall

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"'Hate is Just a word', written by ... someone, 2016.

Hate is strange when it comes from a friend,
And more so when you know how it ends.
To you my friend I send my regret,
Engulfed in memories of when we first met.

In turn you scream and cry and weep,
So you can torment me in sleep.

Just now I tell you it's all my choice,
Ushered by my toneless voice.
Still you force yourself to rise,
To see the sadness in my eyes.

A single Magpie in your ear, to whisper endless fear.

Would you still hate if I did cry,
Or would you stop and ask but why?
Read this now my once dear friend,
Do keep this message until the end ..."

The sad words rolled off my tongue, spoken by my perfectly articulated voice as I read the poem aloud. I could hear them snickering, the girls and guys in my class, but that didn't matter. Nothing mattered. Not anymore.

I sat back down in my seat and brushed my just-that-little-bit-too-long, mocha brown hair from my black and purple eye.

"Thank you Eric, that was lovely" Mrs Elliot said sweetly, trying her best to smile. I rolled my dull green eyes and grunted softly, my "polite" way of saying "back off! I don't care!". Just then, the deafening shrill of the school bell rang out, telling me I was free to enter the deepest pits of hell and endure endless torment.

Snatching my black denim back leaning against the desk, I sped out of the colourful classroom and into the hallway. As predicted, it wasn't long before Ginger, (queen bitch), shoved me harshly. I knew everyone was staring, probably laughing at the fact that such a petit little girl managed to get an eighteen year old lad on the ground with a single shove.

"Get out of my way you stupid gay boy!" She squeaked in her stupid parrot voice, similar to Janice from friends.

"Whatever Ginger" I murmured, picking myself up and dragging myself forward to the next hour of boredom.

I sighed. I should defend myself from these things, say something back to look less like a ... a .... a weed. Suppose there's not really much point. I'm only here for another six months, then there's nothing anyone can do to stop me from doing whatever the hell I want!

The heavy doors resisted against my crappy efforts to force it open, jamming against the stupid rotten carpet as it did! Eventually, the opening grew wide enough for me to slide in and take my seat. The teacher hadn't arrived yet so I turned my attention to my beloved window, pretty much the only thing I care about anymore.

"Alright you little creep, give me your bag!" I heard someone growl. Turning my head a fraction, I saw some kid receiving crap from a group of social shepherds. Meh. What is he to me? I thought to myself, turning back to the window. "Shoes too!"


"I said SHOES! Before I pummel your gut in you stupid gay boy!"

Wow. Now that's just sad. "OI! Kayce! Leave him alone you tight get" I shouted.

"You wot mate." Kayce snarled, waddling towards me.

*sigh* "look. Kayce. I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but I'm not your "mate"! I'm sorry, I really should stop leading you on like this, shouldn't I? The way I ignore pretty much everything you do, how I tell you how much I hate you almost everyday! Oh god! And the way I say all those awful things about you! That must be leading you in the total wrong direction!"

"Shut the fuck up you gay boy!" Kayce spat at my face before turning on his heals and motioning for his cult of mindless zombies to follow in his footsteps. Whatever.

I turned my attention back to the window, acting as if nothing had happened. From the corner of my eye I saw the lad gathering up his stuff and shuffling towards me.

Oh attans. I really don't know when to keep my mouth SHUT! For once I'd like to go a day without being harassed by some creep!

"Hey...... ummm th-" he started, playing with his obviously-bleached curly mop.

"Let me stop you right there" I said plainly, my deep voice sounding more of a growl, "don't thank me. I didn't do it for you, I did it because those guys are all dicks and if I don't say anything, nobody will! So this" I motioned at the space between us "doesn't make us friends"

His eyes lowered to the desk as he said; "sorry."

"Don't be" I spat, clenching my jaw.

" know, I know your the dark kid, the bad boy, I get that! But that doesn't mean you have to be an ass hole..." he snatched up his bag and sauntered off, taking a seat on the other side of the room.

I laughed darkly, shaking my head a little. Actually... yes. Yes I do...

Hello! Yes. It's me. The author. I'm not just some imaginary entity that magically writes shit stories that are designed to make ppl cry. Anyway, I wanted to say that the amazing cover art up there, y'know, the cover, Yeah well that was done by the very skilled Annie-ArtKitty ! She's amazing! If you want a cover doing, check her out!

If you don't ... I'll hunt you down and slap you...


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