So much

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I held Cam in my left arm whilst I opened the door to my black Aston Martin rapide and slid him into the passenger seat. Closing the door again I took a deep breath.

Where am I going? I didn't think this through did I? Förbaskat!

I slid over the hood of my car, probably leaving a scratch, whatever, and slipped into the drivers seat. I was met with a pair of un-matching glaring questions into my apparent soul.

"What...?" I asked, raising an eyebrow sceptically. He saw through it. Rackarns.

"...are you Swedish?" He said, sitting up a little. I chuckled a little but it slowly developed into a full on laughing fit!

"WH~WHAT?!" I chortled, starting the car and driving down the road. I almost hit about four cars I was laughing so hard.

"You heard me. Are you Swedish? Why are you laughing?" He said far too casually.

"Why am I LAUGHING?! Why do ya think ya bloody pleb?! Just moments ago, you were a shaking mess in my arms! Now you're casually asking about my ethnicity as if none of it happened?!"

"Huh" he chuckled along with my raucous laughter "suppose so. But am I right? Are you Swedish?"

"... yes. Yes you are right! How-"

"-Did I know? You kept swearing in Swedish! Or at least I'm pretty sure you were... but wait, you don't exactly ... umm... you don't really -"

My turn to interrupt, "don't exactly what? Look Swedish? Yeah, technically my family comes from Honolulu, but my dad was from Sweden, so on their honeymoon my parents went there.... then they had their 'precious little accident' ... me."

"... I have no ... suitable... reply to that... except maybe, I'm sorry? Not sure for what, no bad thing was done... it kinda just sounds like one of those 'I'm sorry' moments?"

Oh my god! I absolutely LOVE you! I thought.

"W-What?!" Cam stuttered, I looked up sharply, almost causing us to crash, and glared at him. He was staring back, some kind of cross between amused, horrified and shocked played across his blushing face.

I felt mine turn blood red as I realised what must've hapened! "OH SKIT! Sa jag att outloud?!"

"Uh huh..." Cam replied, a smirk on his face. He must have guessed what I said, I don't think he spoke Swedish. Maybe...

We sat in silence for a little while, even the radio had blurred out! It was too much after a while! Jesus, even I couldn't stand it! "Where do you live?" I said. I intended on dropping him home as quickly as possible.

"Himesdrive" he replied quietly. He looked like he was within his own world, lost in thought...

The drive was fast, reasons being both the fact my car was stupidly fast and there was no traffic, so we soon reached Himesdrive. As soon as I stopped, Cam snatched up his bag and got out, walking over to my side of the car. "Hey, thanks! For everything! I don't think I could have handled that in my own..." he said, leaning his head in through my open window.

"No problem, really, like I've said, those guys-" my words came to a sudden halt as I felt Cams soft warm lips crush against my face. He lingered for a little while, tensing when I didn't kiss back. He went to pull away but I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him closer, kissing him back.

Eventually I let go and watched as we both blushed violently.

"Yeah... bye..." he gasped, then he turned on his heal and sprinted down the land.

"... Hej då bedis pojke..." I whispered in response, turning the key and driving quickly down the road.


Yeah yeah! I know! This chapter is pretty short! But at least it went somewhere! Btw, I just know some of u are gonna think they were French kissing, they weren't. They just kissed in a "regular" way. I want to save the French for a special ... occasion?

Anyway, that's all for now. I hope I see you next time! Buh-bye!

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