Save me now!

16 2 14

Themes of rape in this one, it's pretty important but you can skip it if you want. It starts at Cam's POV. Also stop judging me! I had my innocence stolen from me years ago!

The day passed quickly in the space confinements of my large home. Most people assume that the messed up kids come from families with no money or some shit, but as you can see I'm living proof that that definitely isn't the case! My dad owns enough money to send me to private school... or a psycho ward. Either would fit me to be honest. Or at least would have, I've Cam now.

"Can I stay tonight? I promis I won't get on your nerves or anything?" Cam asked whilst we were snuggled up on the love chair watching the latest episode of Doctor Who (damn you to hell Peter Capaldi!)

"Of course you can babe! But won't your parents be worried where you are?"

He laughed and I could feel his movements on my chest. Scoffing like I had said the dumbest thing he turned to me and said; "Eric. I could go missing for three months straight and it wouldn't even occur to them that I was ever gone." His words were so blatant that he made it sound almost normal. I guess I'm used to a pretty similar treatment though...

"S'pose I do need some fresh clothes though. There's no way in hell I can keep wearing your clothes! They're massive on me!" He chuckled, getting up. He limped over to to grab his shoes and tugged them on.

"Oh hey! I'll give you a lift!" I exclaimed, jumping up and grabbing my keys from the fruit bowl... again.

--ALRIGHT! DONT SAY I DIDNT WARN YOU! IM GONNA GIVE YOU A DAMN GOOD TIME SKIP! (Please god let someone be getting these references!)--

"How long will you need?" I said as he pulled himself from my car.

"Well, I'm gonna eat here too so give me about... 3 hours? That atta be more than enough!" He grinned at me and closed the door, sticking his head through the window to kiss me briefly.

"See ya then princess!" I drove down the road and back towards my house, parking up when I got there.

*sigh* might as well make good use of this time. I thought whilst pulling out Cam's... ummm... borrowed debit card and transferring a couple hundred into his account. Ha! I wonder how long it'll take him to figure out that that's in there?!

--Cam-- (probably the only time Ima do this)

I sauntered into my grim home, slamming the broken door behind me to let everybody know I was back, not that they cared or anything...

Y'know, any other family would have had that door fixed to prevent their possessions from being stolen, but not this "family"! There's literally nothing worth stealing in this shitty hell hole! Everybody knows it too, that's the worst part...

Better than no home at all!

Pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind I raced my shadow up the rotting stairs to my "room", which was actually just a closet I had converted into a room-ish-thing...

Better than having to share a room!

I grabbed the old duffel bag from the corner of my "room" and stuffed enough clothes in to last me a few days, along with my toothbrush and hair comb (I'm sorry! I don't know what guys pack when they go to a friend's house! So~rry...)

Right... I don't need anything ... else... do I?

My eyes drifted to the cabinet above my bed.

Umm... probably not for tonight...

I stood for a while, thinking of... Well... y'know...

But there's always tomorrow!

I jumped up and snatched a couple of the little packets from the box and stuffed them inside of the bag. Lifting it to my shoulder I galloped downstairs and threw it at the door.

"Why are YOU so happy, Gayboy?!" My farther slurred, sitting on the couch with a half empty bottle of spirytus in his hand (if you're an innocent little cinnamon roll then, one you shouldn't be reading this book, but also, spirytus is a polish vodka that's 96% alcohol)

"No reason..." I murmured, shuffling towards the kitchen. Rummaging around for something - anything - to eat, I saw my farther getting up and following me through. My heart began to climb as he got closer and closer...

Before long, he had me by my shirt collar and held me so close he could have kissed me.

"I said ... why are you so HAPPY!" The alcohol on his breath stung my eyes and I shunned away from him, squeezing my eyes shut and trying to hold back tears. My breathing got quicker as my heart began to flutter like a humming bird's wings.

A deep chuckle erupted from his throat as he pinned my chest up against the wall and began sucking and licking my neck and ear. I thrashed around but that only made him go faster, sticking his acid tongue down my ear and licking the wax.

"What have I told you about ignoring me you bitch?!" He growled in my ear. I felt him pin my wrists together as he tore off my shirt and unzipped my pants.

"No! NO PLEASE! Please god not again! PLEASE!" I cried, letting the tears spill over my face.

"Naughty kids get punished!" He whispered, licking my ears again. I let out more and more sobs as he undressed himself too.

Eventually, we were both left in only our boxers in the eerie kitchen filled with nightmares...

I listened to the all too familiar sound of rattling chains being pulled from the draw. "Arms up." My dad said. I keep them close to my sides, looking down at the floor. "ARMS UP!" He screamed, pulling my arms above my head. I wept even harder than before, however, I was no longer crying, I had no more tears left to cry...

I could feel him wrapping the chains around my arms, from my elbows to my wrists, then securing the chain to the hook on the ceiling. Anybody else would find it quite random, but I always knew what it was for, even as a child! Edging closer and closer to me, the man let his greasy fingers crawl all over my body, leaving nothing un-touched.


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