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"Have fun filming, and I'll see you when you get home. Don't be too mean to Josh and Mikey, okay?" I asked Jack through the phone as I left the bookstore, bag full of books in hand.

"I'll try," he said, and I could almost hear his smirk over the phone. "but sometimes I just can't help myself."

"I'll be home soon," I told him. "I'm on my way back now. So I'll see you when you get there. Will Josh and Conor be home tonight? I need to know for dinner prep."

"Conor's going to the studio after we're done filming, and Josh's mum's here so he's spending time with her afterwards. It's just us, babe." he assured me. "I really don't mind picking up some takeout or something. Chinese or Nando's, your pick."

"Well I do love Nando's..." I trailed off, getting into my car.

"Then it's settled." he said, "Nando's it is. I'll see you when I get home. Love you,"

"Love you too," I said, bidding him goodbye and hanging up the phone, setting it on the seat next to me and starting up the car. 

Jack had left one of his Drake CD's in my car, and although I didn't listen to Drake nearly as much as he did, it was nice to listen to on the drive home. It wasn't far, maybe ten or fifteen away from the flat I lived in with Josh, Jack, and Conor. I made the drive nearly every day. Even if I wasn't buying books, it was my favorite place in London, and I went there just to explore.

The days were pretty simple. I'd either go to the bookstore or hang out elsewhere if Jack was filming, or sometimes I'd hang out with them and help them film, if there wasn't a different event we needed to be at that day. If Jack and I were together that day, we'd vlog. He has his vlogging channel for days we didn't spend together, and we had a joint one for days we did. After filming was done, we'd either go out to eat or head home. Sometimes they'd go clubbing, but I didn't usually go with them. It wasn't something I particularly enjoyed doing, and I trusted Jack to make the right decisions. Sometimes he wouldn't go either, and we'd just have a night in. Those were my favorites.

However, this day was different. It just so happened that that happened to be the end of our little "daily routines", but none of us knew it up until that point when a car came speeding through traffic, and hitting mine head on.

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