Chapter 26

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"C'mon in, the water's fine!" Jack called up to where I laid on a poolside chair reading a book. 

I looked up from my book, shaking my head with a smile. "I'm reading, Maynard."

"Don't make me come up there," Jack warned, and I rolled my eyes, turning back to my book. "Don't say I didn't warn you," he said, jumping out of the pool and walking over to where I was reading.

Jack took the book out of my hands and set it down on the ground before picking me up and walking back over to the pool. He threw me in before jumping in beside me.

"Hey!" I said, coming back up from underwater.

Jack shrugged. "I told you not to say I didn't warn you..."

"Meanie," I said, pouting. 

It's been two days, and Hawaii has been absolutely amazing. After the jet lag wore off, we were by the pool nonstop, just relaxing and letting out the stress of the past five months. I had been working my way through a book before I had gotten distracted, however.

"I got lonely," he said, wrapping his arms around me, but I pushed him away, splashing him and giggling.

"Stay lonely," I said, unable to keep the smile from spreading across my face. "I need to go get ready for dinner."

Aside from the many restaurants that the resort had to offer, one of them was extremely fancy. So, Jack and I decided to get dressed up and pretend to be sophisticated, so he had made us a reservation and tonight was the night we'd actually celebrate it being our third anniversary.

I got back out of the pool, wrapping myself in my towel. I grabbed my book off the ground then so I wouldn't leave it along with the key card for our room.

"You know you love me," he said.

"I know," I said, "but I need to go shower and get ready. So just come up when you're done."

I leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading back up to the room. I quickly showered as soon as I got upstairs so I could be done by the time Jack got out of the pool, and then quickly blow dried my hair and curled it.

I wasn't one to wear a lot of makeup normally, but I couldn't help but think that tonight would be different. A third anniversary was a big deal, even if I didn't remember the first two. I definitely wanted Jack to have fun, and for it to be special for him, to thank him for all he's done, not just since my accident, but for everything else he's done too, both in my memory and lost from my memory. He put together the nursery for Bella and planned on staying by our side, he's loved me for three years now, and just everything else that he's done.

He was finished showering by the time I finished my makeup, and then I quickly slipped into my dress while he got his suit on.

"Wow," he said as soon as I came back from the bathroom, grabbing my purse.

"Hmm?" I asked, looking up at him.

"My girlfriend is so absolutely beautiful." he said, not once taking his eyes off me.

"C'mon," I said, blushing, "It's dinner time."

Dinner was nice. Pretending to be sophisticated proved to be almost successful, with only a few slip ups here and there. Before I knew it we were back in the room, makeup and fancy clothes off and just laying down and talking.

" then Josh and I were running down the hall when Josh slipped, and completely wiped out." Jack said, laughing as he told me some old story of the boys goofing off.

When I watched Jack, I could never help but smile, but I also wondered other things. I knew that he was always patient with me, but we weren't back to where we had been before the accident had happened. There were still bits and pieces missing from what we had been before. Even some things I had managed to remember throughout these past months we weren't back to doing in our daily lives.

Things were still going well, and I'd managed to remember so much. However... there wasn't a lot of time left. We were down to one month still before I was out of time and might never remember another memory bit. I wanted to remember as much as I could before time was up.

Which led to one more thing that I still didn't remember.

"Jack?" I asked as soon as he was finished with the story.

"What's up, babe?" he asked.

"Will you tell me about the first time we... had sex?" I asked.

He nodded slowly after a moment. "Yeah," he said. "Well, it was at our place. My place at the time, you didn't live there yet, you still lived back in Brighton with the Suggs. Conor and Josh were gone, so I got Nando's takeout and set it up to be a fancy romantic dinner. I wanted everything to be comfortable for you so-"

"Will you.. show me?" I asked.

"Wait..." he trailed off, looking down at me. "Show you as in... show you show you? Like... actually do it to you?"

I nodded. "Jack, I love you. And I want to remember what it's like to do that physically since I can do it emotionally."

He nodded. "C'mere gorgeous," he said, pulling me closer and kissing me.

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