Chapter 6

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"Let's see... don't know The 1975, don't know Ed Sheeran... Fall Out Boy!" I exclaimed, pulling another band shirt out of my closet and pulling it on along with a pair of jeans, a blue flannel shirt and a black pair of Vans.

I quickly headed up the stairs to where Joe already had a cup of tea and a plate with eggs and bacon waiting, and I sat down in the chair, raising the mug up to my lips and taking a sip.

"You seem up and alert," Joe noticed, drinking his own tea and scrolling through something on his phone.

"Well, I'm ready to learn," I said, quickly eating my breakfast.

"That's the thing..." Joe trailed off. "I've got a ton of meetings today, and I won't be able to help you. But according to Doctor Richards, you're not to be left alone just quite yet. He's scared you could get lost and not find your way back. So I called Jack, and he's going to be the one helping you today. Okay?"

"Okay," I nodded. "When's he going to be here?"

"Should be any minute," Joe informed me, "so hurry up and eat your breakfast."

Not long after I finished eating a car pulled up, and I bid Joe goodbye, grabbing my jacket and running outside, getting into the passenger seat of the car. Jack was waiting with a big smile on his face and I was then aware of the scent of his cologne.

"Morning gorgeous," Jack said, pulling the car out of the driveway.

"Morning," I said.

"Sleep okay?" he asked, and I shrugged.

"Not really," I said, "it's just kinda hard. New place and all, and many many thoughts. You?"

He shrugged then too, never taking his eyes off the road. "I haven't slept very well since the night before the accident, if I'm being completely honest."

"So where are we going?" I asked, eager to change the subject.

"I'm taking you around to some of our favorite places," he said, "that would be the park where I took you on our first proper date, Nando's for lunch at the place we go so often they know us by name, your favorite bookstore, and then back to the flat. Oli's there today to film with Josh, so you can meet him too."

I smiled then. "This is really nice," I said, "thank you."

"Of course," he said, pulling into the parking lot next to a massive expanse of land. There was a long walking path alongside a pond, and many different plants and flowers in the surrounding grassy areas. "At last, this here is where I had asked you to be my girlfriend."

He got out of the car as I stared at the area around me, willing myself to remember something, but nothing came. Jack opened the door for me, and I thanked him, quickly climbing out and following him onto the path.

"So tell me about this date we went on," I said, walking alongside him, and out of habit his hand found mine and his fingers intertwined with mine slowly.

His eyes then widened as he realized what he was doing. "S-sorry," he stuttered then, trying to pull his hand away, but I kept holding onto it.

I wasn't sure what I was doing, not letting him go, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Something about this felt familiar, and I didn't want to let that go. I couldn't. It was the first actual feeling of something safe and familiar that I'd had since waking up.

I shook my head. "Don't pull away," I said. "It's... it's familiar,"

"You know what it feels like to hold my hand?" he asked then, an awestruck smile crossing his face, and I nodded as we kept walking then. "Amelie that's... incredible. You remembered something!"

"I did," I breathed out, smiling. I had. I had actually managed to remember something that I was lost, as small as it might have been. "So anyways. That date,"

"Right," he said, "well, the date itself was kind of a disaster, in the sense that we never even planned on coming here. The original plan had been to take you out to dinner and go to a movie, but I had forgotten to make a reservation and the restaurant was full. After that, you suggested going to Nando's, which isn't far from here, and it was then that I learned how much you really do love Nando's. It wasn't as fancy as I had been trying to go for, to impress you, but you loved it anyways. It was then that I realized how perfect you were for me.

"Since Nando's isn't far from here, we had then decided to ditch the movie and go for a walk instead. We'd both eaten so much that we wanted to try and walk off dinner, so we came here. It was dark out by then, but it was still nice. Except for when I accidentally almost stepped on a goose. Because it bit me, and that shit hurts." he continued on. "Eventually, I wondered why we were still only just hanging out and getting to know each other, and why I wasn't able to call you mine. So I did it, right then and there. I asked you to be my girlfriend, and you said yes. I kissed you and, what do you know, the disastrous date only had to escalate from there, and it started raining."

"Kiss in the rain, then?" I asked, and he nodded.

"We were cheesy and did that, yes, but then we had to run back all the way down to the other end of the trail to get back to my car. It was getting a little muddy, and it was a little messy, but you still agreed to making out in the back of my car when we got there, so I guess I was still doing okay."

"Sounds like one hell of a night." I concluded.

"Oh trust me, it was," he said. "But Mel?"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I just want you to know that I wouldn't have wanted it any other way."

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