Jungkook woke up to an empty space beside him. It was cold and seemed to have been that way for a long time. There was a note where Will should've been. He grabbed it and read it slowly, as he was only half asleep.

"Went out to go meet up with the boys. I'll call you if you're not awake by 10:15. Please get here as soon as possible. Love Will." There was the dark imprint of a lipstick kiss from her beside her name. He smiled, sitting up. The clock on the bedside table read 10:03 with flashing red. He sat up and looked around. Will had laid out clothes for him on the foot of the bed. Jeans, a red and black knit sweater, and a white t-shirt. There were black converse beside it. He grinned. She had probably wanted to match him in some way so she set out clothes for him. He got up and stretched before putting his clothes on. He was out the door just as she called.

"Kookie, did I wake you up?" She asked as he went out onto the street.

"No, I'm walking right now. Thanks for setting out clothes for me."

"It was nothing. I wanted to do a couple thing and match you."

"Cutie." He replied instantly. She giggled.

"Oh hush."

"I'll see you in a bit okay? I love you."

"Alright, I love you too." She hung up after that. Jungkook took a route through an alleyway to bypass the large crowd of people going down the busy sidewalk. He hummed softly as he walked, putting earbuds into his ears.

"I really really want you, converse high." He said quietly as he rounded the corner. Something pulled him back by the collar. He choked as he was slammed onto the ground. Someone towered over him. They had a mask on and he couldn't tell who it was. Another person came into view as Jungkook tried to get to his feet. There was a blow to his stomach and he groaned.

"Hey! Be careful! I want to make a lot of money off this kid. He's a sensation in South Korea. Let's not ruin his pretty little body." A third said behind him. He was doubled over in pain, clutching his abdomen.

"Hey!" Namjoon shouted. Jungkook looked over.

"Shit! Knock him out!" The one behind him said. A gun went off as a damp rag was clamped over Jungkook's nose and mouth. He tried his hardest not to breathe, but it wasn't long before he couldn't handle it and he took in a large breath of chloroform. He was out like a light.
Namjoon sprinted down the alley after the three men, tears were stinging his eyes. Hoseok was keeping Will at bay. She had spotted him in the alley. She was now in hysterics. Taehyung was in shock. Jin was running after Namjoon, ignoring Namjoon's previous protests. Yoongi was calling the authorities. Jimin was on the phone with their manager, as Hoseok had told them to do.

A gunshot went off, the bullet nicking Namjoon's leg. He cried out, tripping over something and crashing to the ground.

"Namjoon!" Jin exclaimed as another gunshot went off. Jin cursed loudly as the bullet whizzed past his head. The three got away in a car parked at the end of the alleyway.

"Don't worry about me! I'm fine!" Namjoon shouted. Jin shook his head.

"I have to worry about you!"

"Go get their plates, for fucks sake!" Namjoon yelled at him. Jin nodded, sprinting away. He came back a few minutes later to see Namjoon leaning against a metal trashcan.

"They didn't have plates." Jin huffed, slinging Namjoon's arm over his shoulders. Namjoon was sobbing.

"We lost him, didn't we?" He whispered.

"We'll find him. I know we will." Jin replied, kissing his hand.
Will was wailing with sorrow. Hoseok was holding tightly onto her, his eyes squeezed shut, tears pouring down her face.

Namjoon was sitting in the back of an ambulance. They were stitching his leg up. Jimin was watching Taehyung, who was doing nothing but sitting on the floor. Yoongi had crushed a glass in his hand and a paramedic was removing shards from his hand. He was so angry that he couldn't do anything to save his friend. Jin was sitting beside Namjoon, talking softly on the phone with the manager.

"We should do a vlive." Yoongi said as his hand was wrapped in bandages.

"We need to tell the European ARMYs why we're cancelling the tour." Namjoon agreed. Hoseok hugged Will tighter. Yoongi slowly turned on the app. The atmosphere was solemn around them, the only thing they could hear was Will's sobbing. Blue and red lights flashed around them, dancing across Suga's face. He was on the verge of tears, but was fighting the urge. Namjoon lumped into the line of sight with Jin. Jin was holding him up. They moved so Hoseok and Will could be in the shot too. When a silent Taehyung and a crying Jimin came over, Yoongi couldn't handle it. Tears flowed freely down his face.

"We started this because we wanted to let all of you know why we're going to do what we're about to do." He said quietly. He chewed the inside of his cheek, looking at the others. Will was beginning to lose her stamina, her sobs growing quieter. Hoseok rocked her back and forth, petting her hair.

"We're cancelling our tour right here and now." Jin said finally. Jimin choked out a sob, holding his fist to his mouth. Yoongi handed the camera to Namjoon before screaming in anguish.

"It's all my god damn fault! I knew I should've fucking stayed behind! If I had gone with him, he wouldn't have gotten kidnapped!" He shouted, picking up a chair. He flung it effortlessly across the street. Namjoon was reading the comments as they flooded in. Most of them were confused.

"Jungkook was kidnapped." He stated softly. The world seems to stop. No one had said those three words in the same sentence since it happened. If they said those words, they'd be acknowledging that it happened and that he wasn't there. They couldn't bring themselves to finalize it.

Will had gone unconscious from exhaustion. Hoseok was glad. If she had been awake to hear Namjoon say that, she might've gone into hysterics again.

"We'll find him." Jimin whispered.

"And if we don't?" Yoongi asked, wiping his face harshly.

"Then there won't be anymore BTS. We can never replace Jungkookie. He's my best friend." Jimin looked up at Yoongi. Jin tugged at Namjoon's hand. Namjoon looked down, lacing his fingers with Jin's.

"He's my brother. If we don't find my brother, I don't want to be in BTS. I can't imagine BTS without my brother." Taehyung finally spoke. He looked to where the sleeping Will was. She had Jungkook's locker gift around her neck, the main piece in her clenched first.

"We're not stopping until we find him."

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