Jungkook's eyes fluttered open. There was a warm body cuddled up beside him. He grinned.

"Good morning, baby." He murmured into Will's hair. The girl beneath him groaned sleepily, looking up at him. He yelled. It wasn't Will. It was that Olive girl. Shit.

"Pet names already, Jungkookie?" Olive smirked. He pushed her off of him. She fell onto the cold cement floor.

"Don't call me that! I have a girlfriend! What the hell did we do?" He cried. Olive scrambled for her clothes as Jungkook continued yelling.

"I'm sorry!" She exclaimed.

"No you're not! I bet they paid you to fuck me! I bet they recorded it too! And I guarantee they sent it to them! Will is gonna hate me!"

"Maybe she should. You fucked me so easily. You pulled me in. Jesus, I wonder how easy it would be for you to cheat on her in your regular life." She spat. He looked away. Olive's eyes widened with realization.

"It was one time. She was sick and we were all in Seoul. I went back to an ex of mine because I didn't know what to do. It didn't mean anything, I swear." He said quietly. Olive looked away from him. She was paid to fuck people, just to mess of their lives, but she could never imagine doing that to her own relationship. Permitting she had one.

"Jungkook, I get paid to do things like this. But that's... that's fucked up. You cheated on her when she was her most vulnerable. I should slap you and save her the trouble." Olive murmured before leaving the room. Jungkook lied on his thin mattress. He hoped he never saw Will. Not because he didn't love her, he did. He loved her more than anyone in the world. He just knew that she would hate him for as long as he lived. It was already tearing him apart, it had been for two weeks now. He just wanted to keep that a secret that would be buried forever and ever. Maybe that was the goal of Jasper and his accomplices? Bring out all the bad in him. Bring out all of his secrets, destroy his friendships.

He sat up and looked at his clothes scattered about. The note from Will was on the ground. He got up and grabbed it, crumpling it and throwing it across the room. He pulled on his boxer and ripped jeans, then his knit sweater.

"I'm so sorry, Will." He whispered. The rusted door opened and Jungkook raised his fists. He was done being beaten. He was done with being weak. A new fire burned within him. A fire that would get him back to London so he could apologize to everyone that he had hurt, especially Will.

He blocked the first punch that Lucas threw, hitting him in the gut with his knee. Lucas staggered back, his hugeness making him fall to the ground in a heap. Jasper pulled a gun and fired at Jungkook, hitting his shoulder. Jungkook screamed, his legs crumbling beneath him. He held his shoulder, gritting his teeth in pain. Jasper stomped over, grabbing the boy's chin.

"Let's go. You're not getting away with that." He hissed. When Jungkook didn't get up, he shoved his dirt caked fingers into the wound, making Jungkook scream in agony.

"I said, let's go!" Jungkook got to his feet as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast, and went with Jasper.

"Tie him down." He muttered, tossing him into a chair. John swiftly tied his hands behind the back of the chair and his ankles to the legs of it.

"Olive, stitch him up!" John barked. Olive hurried over and began to stitch his shoulder without anesthetic. He almost fell unconscious, but a swift punch to his already broken nose pulled him back.

"Jungkook, you have some things to admit to." Jasper said. He was standing behind something. Jungkook breathed heavily as Olive wrapped his shoulder in bandages.

"I already admit to it." He hissed.

"No, not to her." He turned a computer monitor around to display Will's face. There were tears streaking her face. She clamped her hands over her mouth and nose when she saw him. Yoongi pulled her into his embrace before flipping Jungkook off.

"Will." Jungkook breathed. She lifted her head as the other members came into view.

"Hey, tell her what you told Olive." Jasper droned, bored with the exchange already.

"N-no. It's better if she didn't know." He felt the cool metal of a gun pressed against his temple. Will screamed.

"No! No! Don't hurt him! Please!" She cried out. He watched as she stared at the screen with wide eyes full of fear.

"You have five seconds to start talking or he shoots you in the shoulder again." Jasper said coldly.

"Fuck you." Jungkook spat.

"Tell us, you fucking dumbass!" Jin shouted. Jungkook shook his head.

"She's gonna find out either way! Tell her and don't get shot or don't tell her and get shot and we show her the footage of what you told Olive! Make a god damn decision!" Jasper shouted.

"I'm sorry Will!" He said, leaning forward.

"Jesus Christ, Jungkook no one wants you to get shot! Just fucking speak!" Hoseok shouted angrily.

"When Will was in the hospital, I got together with my ex. We had sex and I regret it so much. I'm so so sorry, Will." He watched as she leaned back, a look of utter shock on her face. Hoseok and Yoongi got up immediately and went her aid.

"You fucking douche bag." Taehyung spat. He hadn't spoken since the previous day, but now he would.

"I still love you, Will."

"No. Shut the hell up. I let you date her because I knew that you wouldn't do something like this. I knew that my best friend, my brother, would never hurt my baby sister. That he would never hurt the most important thing in my life. Jungkook, I trusted you with everything I had. We all did. What else did you do? Do you have anymore admitting to do? Are you going to destroy the rest of your relationships with your actions?" Taehyung was incredibly angry. Jungkook couldn't believe he was keeping it together like he was.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook repeated, hanging his head. Will got up and approached the screen.

"I'm not saving you for myself anymore, Jungkook. I'm saving you for them. I don't want you anymore. I hate you, Jeon Jeongguk. I gave you everything I have. Everything. I gave up seeing my friends this summer for you. I gave up a scholarship so I could do photography for you guys because you wanted me to. I've done so much for you, and this is how you repay me? For Christ's sake, I made you a photo book and a got you a ticket back home to Busan so you could see your family on your birthday in a month. I asked for nothing in return. Jungkook, you gave me something in return anyway. You broke my trust, my heart, my hope. Everything. I don't care about saving you anymore, I don't even want to do it for them either. If you get out of there, don't come to me. I don't ever want to see your sorry ass ever again." She closed her eyes before sitting back on the edge of the bed. Yoongi immediately took her into his embrace.

"You don't deserve her, Jungkook. None of us do, but you especially don't. We'll think about getting the money to save you." Namjoon said quietly. They all turned away as Namjoon fiddled with the computer. He hadn't figured out how to turn it off, so Jasper muted his side of the conversation and turned off their camera. Now Namjoon and the others couldn't see or hear Jungkook, but Jungkook could see and hear them.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him." Jimin said, clenching his injured fist.

"No. We're going to save him and then his ass is gone. He destroyed us. Everything he had, destroyed it all. When we piece all of this back together, he's not getting back into the group. It's not happening." Jin said. The others agreed.

"H-Hoseok? Is it ba-bad that I still l-love him?" Will asked quietly.

"No. We all still love him, but this is for the best."

"I want to forgive him. I want to forgive him, but I can't ever trust him again. I want to still be in a relationship with him, I really do. I just... I can't see myself with him because he hurt me so badly. I can't see myself with him because I can't ever trust him. I just... I want the best for him. For all of you."

"And that's what you'll have, the best. It's what you deserve." Taehyung said.

She deserved the best, and Jungkook would never forget that.

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