Jungkook's eyes opened slowly.

"He's awake." Hoseok said quietly. Jungkook groaned, his head pounding.

"Is Will okay?" He asked. They looked at each other, their eyes resting on Taehyung who was sitting in the window sill. His finger was in his teeth, and he was fighting off tears.

"She's gone?"

"Uhm, she's not gone, but she's not okay. This is the fifth day that she's been in critical condition. She's in a coma." Jimin said. He adjusted some bandages on his hand.

"Will she make it?"

"We don't know. We're playing the waiting game now." Jin said, pulling his lip in between his teeth. Jungkook's heart ached. She might not live. After all she had done. She had tried so hard. She had done everything. She was a good person. He should've been the one dying. He should've been the one on his fifth day of critical condition.

"Did they find the guys?"

"Yeah. Jasper Tate, John Teller, Lucas Abby, and Olive Winter. We pressed charges on all of them, obviously." Namjoon said. There was a prolonged silence. Jungkook stared out the window, past Taehyung.

"Do you guys forgive me?" He finally asked.

"Yeah. I forgive you." Taehyung whispered quickly.

"She had, I just know she had. If she can forgive you, so can I." Jin decided. Namjoon nodded only. Jimin sighed before adjusting the gauze on his hand.

"Yeah, forgiven." He muttered. It took Hoseok a while to clear his throat.

"If you hurt her like that again, I'll kill you." He said. That was his form of forgiving him.

"Yoongi?" Jin said. Yoongi was leaning against the wall.

"Will forgave you first. Taehyung forgave you second. The person who mattered to her the most forgave you as quickly as she had. If you ever think about cheating on her, I won't give you the opportunity to use your dick anymore. And that is not a joke." Yoongi said.

"When she's okay again, we're gonna throw her a birthday party. Something she really deserves. I don't want her to ever think we don't care ever again." Jimin said with a satisfied smile. Jungkook grinned weakly. He was still exhausted.

"That's a good idea." He said before falling asleep again. Yoongi slid down the wall he was leaning against. They were all so tired. Crying took a lot of their energy. He passed out immediately. The others slowly went to sleep one by one, until it was just Taehyung.

"Goodnight, butterflies." He whispered.

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