Chapter 1 - Introducing the Blakes

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POV Octavia -

It was 7 am and the sun was just beginning to shine through Octavia's window. She turned over in bed to see that her little sister had already gotten up. This wasn't a surprise, Octavia knew that Raven loved getting up early to watch the sun rise.
Octavia climbed out of bed and put her penguin slippers on. As she shuffled into the bathroom she could hear the muffled noises of her brother Bellamy's video games from the other end of the hallway. Octavia put her contacts in and then went to look for Raven. Aurora, their mom, had put Octavia in charge of finding Raven every morning because Aurora had gotten to lazy to do it herself. Lately Raven has been on the roof outside of their shared bedroom, and that's where she was today.
Octavia opened the window and climbed out to sit next to her little sister.
"Goodmorning wrench monkey" Octavia teasingly said to Raven. Their family had come up with that nickname for her after Raven started showing an obsession with inventions and mechanics.
"Hi O." Raven said sulking
"You okay Rave?"
"Yeah, Yeah.. i'm fine"

Raven got in these moods a lot and Octavia knew just to leave her alone. She turned around and climbed back into her bedroom. It was already 7:30 and school started in 30 minutes.
Octavia was a senior at Polis High School. She was a dreamer and still didn't really know what she wanted to do with her life. She worried because Bellamy was supposed to be a sophomore in college but dropped out. Octavia didn't want to be like him, but she was jealous of Raven who was only 16 but a senior in high school, and already seems to have her life figured out.
Octavia really wanted to be a stunt double or something like that. She was expected to a really good college, but she doesn't really want to go. Her and her mom always get in fights about it because all Aurora has ever wanted was Octavia to be successful... because Bellamy isn't.

POV Bellamy -

He had been up since 3 am, it was a tuesday morning and Bellamy had nothing to do. He never has anything to do. In fact Bellamy hasn't left his room in 4 days. He has a mini fridge and a bathroom, and whenever Aurora sees him she looks like she just died inside.

Ever since Bellamy dropped out of college he was the disappointment in the family. He usually sits in his room and plays video games and the only people he ever talks to is his girlfriend and his sisters.
Bellamy is supposed to be a sophomore in college. He was a good student in high school. in fact he was a good student in college... up until last year. He got focused on parties and "doing whatever the hell he wants" and forgot about his school work to the point that he failed out of college. After that he had no motivation to go back to school and began hibernating in bedroom. The only reason he came out of his room 4 days ago was to console Raven during one of her moments. He's the only one Raven lets talk to her when she's like that.

POV Raven -

It was 5 am and Raven's alarm came beeping on. She sets it that early everyday so she can go and watch the sunrise. She used to go out to the park and watch it but Aurora started making Octavia go and get her, so Raven started to feel bad. Now she watches it from the roofs outside her and Octavia's bedroom. There's just something about the colors in the sky that make her happy.
Not this morning though. Sometimes Raven gets herself in moods she can't get out of. Aurora has taken her to dozens of doctors but known of them have diagnosed her with anything. "It's just her being a teen", they would tell Aurora. Aurora isn't buying it though, and still claims something is wrong with her daughter.
Raven on the other hand doesn't know whats wrong. She's just hard on herself is what she thinks. Eventually Octavia made her way out onto the roof and Raven must have snapped at her because she was back inside real quick.
Soon enough it was time for school, and Raven went inside to put her stuff together. She loved school, it was her outlet. Raven was only 14 but already a senior in high school. No one made fun of her smarts which Aurora was thankful for.
Raven threw on a red jacket that she got for Christmas a few months ago and ran down the stairs and out to the car where Octavia was waiting for her.

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