Chapter 10 - Consequences

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The house was completely clean. Not a speck of anything, anywhere. Glass and Bellamy walked around the house carefully looking at all of their surroundings.
As Glass made it up the stairs to the second floor she noticed a figure laying limp in one of the beds. Entering the room, she soon found out that it was in fact Luke, laying comfortably in his bed. Shaking him, Glass tried to wake his sleeping body, with no luck. Soon worry washed over her as she feared that Raven had killed Luke.
"He's not dead... just sleeping." Raven stated as she poked her head in through the window.
"Raven what did you do?!" Glass said distraught.
"Nothing,,, Nothing. Just what he deserved."
"RAVEN WHAT DID YOU DO?" Glass screamed, quite upset with Raven.
"I'm sorry. I thought you'd be thankful he got what he deserved." She cried as she ran through the room and down the stairs.

Raven threw herself onto one of the couches and Bellamy approached her. He repeatedly asked what happened until Raven couldnt handle it anymore.
"Okay! i cut of his penis and threw it in the garbage disposal. I cleaned everything up and i even planted his thingy in the backyard because it's good fertilizer! I was just giving him what he deserved Bellamy. I'm sorry." She cried out barely able to finish her sentence, gulping for air in between words.
"Raven you know you can't do this. I thought you knew better!" Bellamy said with disappointment in his voice, " Raven do you know what's gonna happen. Your going to be in so much trouble."
"No! I can't be in trouble! Bellamy No!" Raven screamed, cry histarically and uncontrollably, "Why'd i do this Bellamy? I was just trying to make Glass happy!" Raven cried out.

Glass stood on the stairs watching Raven slowly fall apart. She knew Raven knew better, and she felt bad for her.

Soon Octavia arrived with Aurora right behind her.
"Bellamy what happened?" Aurora said panicked.
"Raven did something really bad Mom." Bellamy told Aurora everything. From what happened to Glass to what Raven tried to do to make it all better. Aurora went into the the other room to see Raven and Raven lost it even more. she screamed and cried after she realized what she did.
Once Raven got her self back the guilt flushed over her like nothing she had ever felt before. She felt like a weight was laying on top of her, and she felt like she was a weight to Aurora. Raven was adopted when she was a baby so she was just as much family as everyone else, but deep down she felt like her Mom hated her for what she has put the family through.
"Mommy i can't do this anymore!" Raven cried as she fell into Auroras arms sobbing, " I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry."

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