Chapter 2 - Introducing the Griffins

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*Warning - Raven uses a few swears in this chapter....

Clarke POV -

Clarke was a senior in high school and the princess of the family. She could do no wrong in her parents eyes. Abby and Jake thought Clarke was a miracle made in heaven.
Clarke woke up at 6 am sharp every morning to get ready for school. She used to go to a TonDC Academy of The Gifted but she didn't make the cut sophomore year. Her and her family claim it was because the judges had it out for her, but everyone else knows it was because she was certainly not gifted.
Clarke could see the little tan girl out on her roof next door. This girl sits out there every morning and Clarke can't stand it. She needs her privacy. This morning she wasn't feeling it and she opened the window,
"Hey," Raven whipped her head around to look at Clarke screaming at her, "Yeah you, i don't like that you sit out there, you can see inside my bedroom."
"Why would i look in your bedroom, you nor anything in your bedroom is interesting enough to spend my time looking at bitch" Raven sassily screamed across the freshly mowed yard.
"Well i don't want you out there, go inside."
"I can do what ever i want, fuck you." Raven stated while giving Clarke the finger.
"AUGH" Clarke upsettingly muttered as she slammed the window shut. She was not used to being turned down like that, nor sworn at. Usually people listened to her. The only people that ever questioned what Clarke said was Raven the annoying next store neighbor, and her twin sister Glass.
Clarke went into her bathroom that was nicely connected to her bedroom. She played USA TOP 100 - CLASSICAL as she curled her hair and put her make up on. Clarke prided herself in being the most put together girl in the senior class of Polis High School. Not a strand of hair out of place and her outfit was picked out to perfection. She pulled pastel yellow kaki pants and a white blazer on and threw her Vera Bradley backpack on over her shoulder. She ran downstairs and her mom, Abby, handed her her lunch and a breakfast shake. Abby prepared this for her every morning, even though she stopped making lunch for Glass and Wells 2 years ago. Clarke quickly was out the door and into her Range Rover that she drove every morning to school.

POV Glass -

Glass' alarm clock rang at 6:57 am every morning. She's unsure of why she set it to that time but is to lazy to change it, so that is the time it stays. Her bedroom's ceiling is covered in paintings from her twin sister Clarke. Glass' bedroom used to be Clarke's but right when Clarke got bored of her bedroom the little princess got to trade bedrooms with Glass. Although Glass hated that she had to trade rooms she did love the fact that this bedroom overlooked the annoying boy neighbors. She could watch them across the street which was always entertaining.
Once she gained the energy to remove herself from her bed she went into the bathroom across the hallway to get ready. She didn't do much to herself in the morning. She could give a crap what she looked like, however she was often told how naturally beautiful she was. Her long blonde hair flowed over her shoulders and her eyes were bright and beautiful.
Glass had loyal and amazing friends and a great boyfriend that she loved, and was overall happy with her life. This morning she decided on a high ponytail with a v-neck black shirt, boyfriend jeans, and some black high tops.

Glass was actually an extremely smart girl. except no one ever noticed because she was popular and dressed nice. In fact she was the top of her class and was probably going to graduate Valedictorian, as long as her parents didn't come in and complain that it wasn't Clarke. Glass ran downstairs and grabbed some money for lunch and went outside. She drove an old car, not rusty... just old. Glass bought it with her own money from her job and was proud of it. Her parents didn't buy her stuff so she had to get it herself.

POV Wells -

Wells is a freshman in college. He goes to Arkadia Institute of Literature. Wells was adopted into the Griffin family when he was 3 years old, so this is all he has ever known. He wasn't the favorite but he was okay with that. He was just thankful to have a home and a family.
All Wells wanted to do was impress himself. He didn't care what other people think. And that's exactly what Wells was doing. He was going to college as an English major and hoping to become a teacher. It had always been his dream and he was so close.
His home life was okay. He commutes to college because it is only 10 minutes away. Wells has his own bedroom but can always hear Clarke's music playing through the walls. He misses when Glass roomed there.
Glass and Wells get along very well. They get eachothers sense of humor, but Clarke on the other hand is the odd man out. She doesn't seem to care though.. so why should Wells.

Class starts at 10 am for him so by the time he gets up the twins are already up and out of the house. Abby is a doctor and Jake is a Federal Computer Analyst. Both of them leave for work by 8 am, so Wells has the house to himself.
Generally he just plays video games and that's exactly what he did today.

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