Chapter 7 - Glass was What?

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"Well then go!" Raven said, excited but nervous to hear the story she knew stilled scarred Glass 1 year later.
"Okay, Okay! Glass do you want to tell the beginning or no?" Bellamy asked
"Sure," Glass stated and she began the story.

"It was the middle of the summer and Clarke and I were having our birthday party! Birthdays have always been a big deal in my family, so we go big. Most of the school was there, except Raven and Octavia. You guys were on vacation on some fancy island in the caribbean. Bellamy on the other hand was not welcome on vacation because he had just dropped out of college so he was welcomed at the party. Last summer Bellamy and I had just started dating. My ex, Luke, was there and boy did he wish we were still together. I was enjoying myself, parting and dancing with my friends, sitting by the fire pit with my boyfriend. Around 7:30ish Luke came up to me while i was pouring myself a drink. He said he wanted to talk, of course i said yes... because I'm too nice. He had a charm to him that i did not understand but could not turn down. I stopped by the fire and told Bellamy i was going into the woods to talk to Luke. He didn't mind, He trusted his girlfriend and knew I wouldn't do anything. Luke brought me into the woods and talked to me for 15 minutes about how it wasn't fair that he couldn't have me. He started touching me and trying to kiss me, that when i tried to leave. I told him I didn't feel comfturable and asked if we could finish our conversation back at the party. Things escalated and soon i was pinned against the ground naked with Luke on top of me. I don't really want to talk about what happened next but i'm pretty sue you get the idea." Glass finished her part of the story and then looked at Bellamy.

"WELL KEEP GOING!!" Raven screamed slightly excited, banging her palms against the floor of the treehouse.

"Jeez Okay!" Bellamy said, and he began his story.

"Glass had been gone for at least a half an hour at this point and i was starting to get worried. i knew she would just leave her party like that so i started out looking for her. I went to the woods because that's where she said she would be. As i walked down the trail i could hear a faint cry and i knew it was Glass. I ran faster then i knew i could run and found myself standing over two bodies, one on top of the other. I grabbed Luke's hair and pulled him hoed and threw him down onto the ground on the other side of me. Glass was distraught and i helped her get her clothes to put back on. I was terrified that my love was hurt, scared, scarred... and i didn't know what to do. I asked Glass if she wanted me to call the police but she told me her party would be ruined if that happened. So she returned to the party just like nothing had happened. That when i knew i was in love with her, she was stronger then i could ever be and i was obsessed with it. We never told anyone what happened. Abby and Jake don't know because Glass said they would find a reason to feel bad for Clarke instead. Raven and Octavia... you guys are the only people that we've told, so keep your mouths shut. You promise?"

Octavia and Raven both said that they promised.
"so what ever happened to Luke?" Raven asked

"Nothing," Glass sulking stated, "He still lives down the street, just like nothing happened."

"I'll show him "nothing happened!" " Raven said as she rose to her feet. She disappeared down the slide and into the woods before anyone could say anything.

"Where is she going?" Octavia asked
"I sure hope not Lukes...." Glass nervously said.

Bellamy and Glass panicked as they realized that Raven was in fact going to Luke's, and this could not end well.

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