Chapter 8 - Ravens Angry

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When Raven feels any emotion it is magnified 10x. Octavia found out what happened to Glass and she was angry as well, but Raven always takes thing over the top.
Last year was Ravens worst meltdown yet.

Raven has always been smart, smarter than most people gave her credit for. She was sitting in a classroom filled with a bunch of nerds, getting their placement test back. Most of the kids in there were trying to skipped a grade.. or even two.
Raven physically did not fit in. All these kids had high water sweatpants on and shirts with cartoon and anime characters plastered on the front. Raven was dressed in jeans, lace up Sperries, and a dark green army bomber jacket. Her hair was nicely curled and fell down onto her shoulders. All the nerds in there didn't know what to do about it.

"Hey why are you in here stupid?" a little Asian boy said.
"Who are you talking to like that?!" Raven snapped, whipping her head around at the boy.
"I'm talking to you. You couldn't be any smarter then your brother... i know who he is. He dropped out of college, and you'll be lucky enough to make it through middle school!" He responded
"Excuse me, but i am nothing like my brother. and you have no right to be downing my brother like that, or comparing me to him." Raven said, feeling her cheeks turn red and her fists beginning to clench.
"Come on Blake, we all know he's not even your brother. You look nothing like him. You were probably adopted because your parents didn't love you enough. Your last name probably isn't even Blake." the Asian snarkly responded.

Ravens breathing increased to the point she could see he chest moving in and out. She clenched her fists around the side of the desk and pushed herself up until she was standing. She knew she couldn't have another outburst, but she felt one coming. She knew one was coming.
That's when the feeling clicked inside her and she snapped.
"Well Monty Green, you would be happy to know that my parents love me plenty, even if we don't have the same DNA. If anything you should go tell that to yourself. Everyone know that your dad left you and your mom for drugs, so don't act special!" Raven screamed and stormed out of the room flipping Monty's binders into the air and off his desk as she walked by.
And no she was not done. Raven ran into the hallway, opening Monty's locker and ripping the front/door of the locker off. She brought it back into the classroom, throwing it through one of the open windows and into the courtyard.
"I hope making fun of me filled the empty void in your heart Monty Green." Raven sarcastically said as she left the room heading straight for the office, where she knew she would be sent any second.
Raven was not allowed into the middle school after that, under any circumstance. When Octavia has a chorus concert there, or when Glass has plays in the auditorium, Raven can't go. Luckily, she aced the placement test and became a junior in high school.. so it didn't end up effecting her too much.

Expect the fact that Bellamy and the rest of her friends and family know knew what she was capable of when she got angry.

Raven threw herself down the path in the woods and out to the street where 3 houses down, Luke happily lived. She was really wishing at this point she could move herself just a little faster because it was worrisome that Bellamy and Glass might catch-up before Raven can finish her plan.
She stopped by her house and ran inside to grab a bucket of something from her lab and as quickly as she could she left in hopes that her mom didn't notice her presence.
Walking down the street with a giant bucket in her hands she arrived at Luke's giant yellow abode. Ringing the doorbell she waited, tapping her foot and clicking her fingers.
Luke arrive at the door and Raven couldn't have been more angry but excited. Being only 14 she had a plan that no one would be able to turn down, hopefully Luke likes cookies.

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