Chapter 11 - Juvy and the Break Up

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The police cars rolled up in front of the house sooner than everyone had expected. Raven was still a pile of emotions on the floor, Glass was still on the stairs, and Octavia and Bellamy were still wandering around the house in a ball of anxiety.
This journey effected everyone more than any other one they have endured. Day after day of court work and lawyers and doctors and in the end Raven was still gone.
The doctors had stated Raven had a severe case of multiple personality disorder. The lawyers fought against this and said she should still know right from wrong. In the end she was a little 15 year old girl sentenced to 2 years in juvy with a retrial when she turned 17.
Soon the social service agency that had placed Raven with the Blakes 5 years ago caught hold of this information. They saw this as a wrong at parenting and took Raven away from the Blakes, planning to place her back into the foster system once she was out.

Bellamy changed, and not for the better. He began hibernating in his room again and didn't even come out to talk to Glass anymore. Glass hadn't seen Bellamy in 2 months and knew that this couldn't last forever like this.

Bang Bang Bang Glass pounded on Bellamys bedroom door waiting for even the slightest sign from him that he might want to talk.

"Bellamy, it's me. Let me in please. I need to talk to you." Glass said with her face firmly placed against the door.
The doors cracked open and Glass was slapped with a smell that reminded her of a public
port-a-potty. Bellamy had food and clothes thrown all over the floor and he looked like he had just climbed out of his own coffin.

"Hi Bell. You know we haven't talked in two month right? You missed my birthday, and our anniversary..... and honestly i don't know what's gotten into you. Do you even care about me anymore?"

"Honestly Glass," Bellamy sat up on his bed leaning back on his arms, "I don't even care about myself anymore."

"so you don't care about me?" Glass said, slightly hurt

"Glass, you didn't check on me during all of that. You didn't care how i felt."

"I DIDNT CHECK ON YOU?! Bellamy i was in that courtroom everyday for 3 WEEKS straight! don't you dare say i didn't care!" Glass screamed with a tone of pain in her voice.

"But what about afterwards, Once they took her away, you didn't come over to check if i was okay once." Bellamy stated with a cockily.

"Did you ever stop to think that i'm still in high school and I have work I have to do? I took 3 weeks off of school to be with you, and if i wanted to keep my 4.0 gpa where it was then i needed to catch up on my work. And if you cared so much why couldn't you call me?"

Bellamy shrugged his shoulders. His eyes squinted as Glass opened the blinds to let in light that the room hadn't seen in weeks.

"A shrug? Really? That's it??" Glass said as she walked towards the door. "Bellamy, I don't think i can keep doing this. I work my ass off on the daily and you sit in her like a hermit crab. You can't even call me? I understand that sometimes life gets hard, but you can't block yourself off from the world. Call me if you get your shit together Bellamy. For now, We are done."

Glass walked out of his bedroom slamming the door shut behind her. She walked downstairs and through the kitchen where Aurora was making pasta and meatballs.

"Are you staying for dinner love?" Aurora turned to look at Glass

"No... I won't be here for a while. Bellamy and I just broke up." Glass looked down at her feet which she was moving around out of nervous habit.

"Awe honey... Come here." Aurora motioned for Glass as she opened her arms. Glass embraced the hug with open arms.

Glass loved Aurora and saw her as a role model. Aurora was the strongest woman she knew. She had been through so much but just kept going, and Glass admired that.

She left the Blake house with tears in her eyes and falling down her face. Glass knew that what she did was for the best but it hurt so bad. Bellamy had been such a good boyfriend, but now he was just weighing her down and holding her back. She couldn't do that anymore

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