Chapter 16 - The Getaway

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Bellamy, Raven, and Glass POV

Glass and Bellamy ran down the hallway dragging Raven behind them. As far as they knew, security did not know that Raven was missing. The juvy was quiet, almost peaceful. The only noises coming from prisoners asking where they were going, or if they could come with them.
As they approached the back door Glass turned around to notice Raven was no where to be seen.
"SHIT" Glass screamed in panic. "WHERE IS SHE?"
Bellamy and Glass scoured the area looking for their little friend. Out of the comer of Bellamys eyes he saw Raven sitting on the edge of a hallway they had already ran down.
"Raven, What are you doing?!" Bellamy questioned as he jogged down the hallway towards her.
"I can't go any farther Bellamy, I'm sorry. I'm happy i got to see you, but it's better if i stay anyway." Raven said
"What do you mean, 'you can't go any further?'" Bellamy sat down next to what used to be his little sister, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing.... I'm fine." Raven stated as she stared straight ahead making sure not to make eye contact with Bellamy.
"No you're not fine. What's wrong?" Bellamy asked
"Do you want the truth?"
"Of course i want the truth you dork..." Bellamy said lightly slapping Raven on her arm.
"Well, The social workers came to me 2 weeks ago and told me that i was no longer part of your family. So that means I was back in the foster system. When i get out of here, I am going back to the foster home i was in when i was a kid.. but that's not the point. The point is, since i'm a foster kid now, I'm not on anyone's health insurance. They stopped giving me pain meds because the state won't pay for them. So over all my leg just hurts like shit." Raven finished as she slapped her leg in a 'stupid leg' kind of way.
Bellamy was shocked. For the past 2 weeks his "little sister" was in juvy, in pain, and no one cared. As this new information flushed over him they could hear foot steps running down the hallway. Ravens head whipped around to look at Bellamy. Both of their eyes were red from holding back tears they just wanted to let out.
"I'm not just leaving you here Rae, not like this!" Bellamy stubbornly said as he lifted Raven onto his back and started running down the hallway again to catch up with Glass.
They ran out the back door and the daylight flashed in their eyes as if they hadn't seen the sun in days.
"Damn it's dark in there." Glass stated as they ran to the road
"yeah... tell me about it." Raven giggled

Octavia's POV

Octavia was laying on the floor in fake tears with the security guards surrounding her.
Left and right people were asking if she was okay. She was stalling, wasting time for the others to get away. After about 5 minutes of holding her arm and crying she turned it all off.

"Oh yeah, I'm all good." Octavia stood up as if nothing had happened, "Sorry bout that. You all have a nice day."

Octavia walked out the front door and began running up towards the car. They parked the car in the perfect spot. Right in front of the back door, all she had to do now was be ready for Glass and Bellamy when they came back with Raven.

Normal POV

Glass and Bellamy stumbled up the cliff leading to the road where Octavia was waiting for them with the car.
"Well that took you long enough, i thought they got you." Octavia laughed with her arm resting on the rolled down window. When she didn't see Raven she panicked. Ravens head was perfectly resting on Bellamys back, to the point where you couldn't see her. "WHERES RAVEN??" Octavia screamed
Raven poked her head out from behind Bellamys head, "Calm your tits O."
"Holy mother of pearls, i thought they forgot you. I would have bashed Bellamys head in." Octavia said
"Oh we know you would do that.." Glass joked as she slid into the car
Octavia stepped on the gas speeding away from the juvy seconds before the security came out the back door. The plan was to change all their looks back to normal so that the descriptions of them would be totally wrong. They also were going to go and pick up Clarke in hopes that no one would believe she would do something like that.
"Glass, did you even tell Clarke what we did?" Octavia turned from the front seat to look at Glass.
"Yeah, Yeah I did. I called her on that phone. We made a promise when we were little that we would keep a secret for eachother and help eachother out if we got in some big trouble, but only once. Clarke used hers in 3rd grade when she ate a cookie from the kitchen. I saved mine... and i think this is a good time to use it." Glass laughed as she finished her story

"How long til they put out that i'm missing?" Raven asked slightly concerned.
"I hope not anytime soon. We need time. Guys we are going to KMart. Get what you need. Our old clothes are in the truck, put those on now. Glass get that color out of your hair too. Don't make eye contact with anyone," Bellamy paused, "especially you Raven. Rae put your hair up, you'll look a little different. We have clothes for you in the trunk too. Once we get there, you all have 10 minutes to get in and out. Meet back at the car."

Octavia pulled up into the parking lot and parked the car near the back of the lot, away from cameras, just in case. They all went in in separate directions and got what they needed. Octavia and Raven wandered through the toy section together.
"Do you think Bell would be mad if we used our money on balloons and nerf guns?" Raven asked as she played with one of the nerf guns. She pulled one up into her hands, "Octavia, your under arrest. Put your hands where i can see them!" Raven laughed
The girls giggled as they continued through the store picking up a few things they might actually need. Glass and Bellamy were across the store picking up some tents and sleeping bags. They were planning on camping out in the woods for a little while, half for fun and half in hopes that they could let all the craziness blow over. All four of them headed for the cash registers, checking out and ready to leave.
"That's Them!!"
The kids heads whipped around to see at least ten cops running behind a man who they recognized.
"Is that our taxi driver?" Octavia asked
"yeah its definitely Bill" Glass answered
"Fuck Bill" Raven angrily stated, without even knowing who Bill was

"Drop what your holding. Put your hands up!" The police yelled as the frightened kids dropped their shopping items to the floor below them.

"Put your hands up!"
The officers all swarmed around them, taking each of them individually and cuffing them.

"Lets Go. You kids are in some serious trouble."
The cop dragging Raven out was being a bit more aggressive then necessary

"Ow" Raven yelped

"Ah shut up" the cop barked at her

"No stop, your hurting me." Raven whined as her legged throbbed underneath her.

"Grow up, This is no where near me hurting you."

Raven stopped walking, "Excuse me sir, but was that a threat?"

"No, i was just saying that I could hurt you way more." The cop answered

Bellamy overhead their conversation and turned around. "I think your hurting her enough already. Let her stop for a second."

"Ow," Raven yelped out again, "Please just let me stop for like two seconds."

The police officer continued to drag Raven down and through the parking lot.

"Ahh," Ravens leg was starting to give out and she pulled away from the officer in hopes of getting a second to rest.
The police officer turned around and threw Raven's little body onto the ground like a rag doll. Her face smushed up against the pavement as the police man straddled her from above.

"What are you doing?!" Octavia screamed.
Glass, Bellamy and Octavia tried to pull away from their officers with no luck.

"Do you expect to get away from me? I think not young lady." The cop picked Raven up off the ground and dragged her threw the parking lot. Ravens legs had given out, so she was dangling down by the officers waist with her arms above her head being pulled by the cop. Occasionally she would cry out in pain, and Bellamy would try to help her, but none of them were getting anywhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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