Chapter 12 - Graduation

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June 27th

The senior class of PHS was graduating today and many of the kids were a bundle of nerves.

Glass sat on the edge of her bed lacing up her high heels. They were white and laced up in the front into a bow on the top. Underneath her grey graduation gown she wore a dainty white lace dress. Her long blonde hair curled and pulled back out of her aquamarine eyes. Glass had been told she was valedictorian of her class only two weeks ago and she began planning her speech the day after. Her plan was not to bore the entire audience so she made the speech short, funny, and to the point.
Glass' parents weren't the happiest to find out that she was valedictorian and not Clarke, but they felt with it and surprisingly supported Glass. However she was still off focus, not because tomorrow she would start her life on her own, but because she still wasn't over what happened with Bellamy. She knew she was in love with him, but she also knew that he was bad for her. He brought Glass down front he potential she had, and right now that's what she had to focus on.

Across the hallway, Clarke stood in her bathroom looking at herself in the mirror. She felt uncomfortable, like her skin was crawling off her body. Her gown was on over a yellow dress that falls just above her knees. Nude heels held her 2 inches taller than her normal self. Her blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail and silver hoops dangled from her ears.
Clarke couldn't find the courage to go downstairs and continue to the school with her family. A feeling she had never felt before was weighing her down. Clarke felt alone, sad, heavy, and confused about why she was feeling all of this. The click of Glass' heels made it down the hallway and the pain grew stronger in Clarke's chest. She knew it was time to go, but she couldn't.
She ran down the stairs leading to the back entrance to the house. Without her family noticing she was leaving she hopped into her car and drove away. No where in mind, Clarke just couldn't be there.

Across the street from the Griffins, Octavia got ready in what felt like an empty house. Bellamy was in his room and refused to come out, even for his own sisters high school graduation. Aurora was at work, trying to support the family on her own. Octavia knew she would make it to the graduation though. Raven had been gone for a while now, but it still didn't feel normal. There was no annoying music playing throughout the house, or random little screams coming from upstairs when she electrocuted herself with one of her inventions.
Octavia had been alone like this for a few weeks now. It was like having her own house, but Octavia didn't like it. She had to be out the door in less than five minutes and she was no where close to being ready. Octavia ran down the hallway, bra and heels in one hand and her hairbrush in the other. She threw her bra on and pull a dark blue strapless romper on over it. She had just bought new floral wedges at Forever 21 and couldn't wait to wear them.
Octavia quickly brushed out her hair and threw her cap on over it. She was wearing a hat, no one would see her hair... right?
She ran down the hallway, pounded on Bells door to say she was leaving, and slammed the front door behind her.

Polis High School was booming with people. Seats were set up for what felt like miles to the little blonde standing on stage practicing her speech. Being valedictorian came with perks, so Abby and Jake got front row seats to support their daughter. However both of those seats were empty... they were on hot pursuit looking for Clarke. As more and more people began to filter in the students sat down in their assigned seats on stage. Octavia was directly behind Glass in the rows.

Nervously Octavia fiddled her foot underneath Glass' seat. Aurora was not in the audience and Octavia was starting to get nervous. She had a speech to present because she was president of senate and the only thing Octavia had asked for was her mom to be there to see it.

"Do you see my mom anywhere?" Octavia whispered in Glass' ear as a lump started to form in her throat.

"No, but my fam isn't here either O. Welcome aboard the 'My family doesn't care about me' boat." Glass said sarcastically as she turned around, only to see Octavia's face blushed and her eyes red with tears. Glass wished she could swallow her words, this meant a lot to Octavia and Glass just realized that.
"I'm sure she'll be here." Glass said as she placed her hand on Octavia's thigh, "Dont worry"

An hour went by and still no sign of either of their parents.
Octavia had her phone in her gown when she felt it vibrate. Carefully she pulled it to the side of her leg to see who it was.

Mom - Hi Honey, I can't make it. Work got crazy, and once i was able to leave i got stuck in some god awful traffic. I'm sorry love, how can i make this up to you?

Octavia didn't know what to do, her hands shook has she typed...

You can't

Tears fell down her face as she pressed send. She understood her mom had a lot on her plate lately, but this was to much. Missing your daughters high school graduation was over the line.

Glass turned around and made eyes contact with Octavia.
"Me neither," Glass said shaking her head and turning back around.

Octavia knew that meant Glass' family want coming either. Which also meant Clarke was still no where to be found.

Time continued to pass. Octavia presented her speech and did amazing, even though she had been so upset. The Salutatorian presented his speech and Glass knew she was next. As she sat there she darted to panic, what if she forgot what to say?

"....and Glass Griffin, Polis High School Valedictorian!"

Glass rose from her seat and made her way to the podium. Her hands were clammy and her legs shakey. The clapping was a blur and Glass felt scared and unsure of what she was going to say. She had planned a whole speech but it all washed out of her.

"Hello Faculty, Staff, Family, Friends, and most importantly the class of Polis High School 2017. I am beyond happy of...." Her voice began to trail off and panic set in. She was standing in front of at least 1000 people and she forgot what to say. Glass' eyes began to scan the crowd when something caught her eye.
Bellamy was standing, leaning up against the side of the building in the back of the room. He was wearing a button up shirt and held a bouquet of roses in his hand. Glass made direct eye contact with him. Bellamy smiles and nodded his head as if to say "keep going".
That when everything Glass had wanted to say flushed over her and everything flowed out.

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