Part 1

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I'm just a hard working woman. All I ever do is work hard, stack paper and work harder. Since I was 15, I always saved half of my income. Let's just say now with a 6-figure salary working for one of the largest marketing firms in Chicago, you can imagine how much I'm putting away. I own some of the nicest and most exclusive things, but not a man. Day in and day out all I hear is "Ava you should get out and find someone!" I'm not exactly a looker or in shape, so it's been a task. One day my best friend Maddy introduced me into William. When I first saw him I was like, where in tf is Ashton b/c I'm being punked. He was 6'3, piercing hazel eyes, light skinned, waves that will rock your soul to sleep, dimples that will make you melt, and don't get me started on this body! Over the next few weeks we spent a lot of time together. I was head over heels for this man. One night I decided we should have a candle lit dinner and I'll be the chef. He comes over and it was fuck what I whipped up! He was all over me like an animal. I didn't mind since I hadn't been laid in about 6 years. His lips were so soft on my honey, it was the softest stiff tongue I've ever felt. When I came I felt every ounce of common sense leave my body. No matter how much I came he wouldn't stop! He ate it so good I ended up on my sparkling marble floors with my head jammed up against the window over looking the city. He picked me up so smoothly and carried me to the bedroom. As bad as I wanted that wood on my mouth, he wouldn't let me reciprocate. He just said its all about you tonight. He picked me up and slid me on it so slow I came just from that alone. He wouldn't stop saying "you're mine and I love you so much Ava." We went from the bed, to the floor, to pinning my ass up in the window. The moonlight on our bodies, the ecstasy in the air and his thick rod pulsating in me...I screamed "William I love you too!" I had never been fucked so good in my life. I woke up the next morning to him proposing with the biggest ring I've ever seen. I immediately said yes. He suggested we get married at the court house, fuck a wedding he couldn't wait for me to be his wife. With all common sense was gone, we quickly transitioned our lives to be one. His name on my bank accounts mine on his and even a joint account. The day of our nuptials came. William said lets meet at 2pm. I waited, I called I texted, and still no William. It came to closing time I sat and cried on the steps of the court house in this ugly ass white dress. Then I was scared that something happened to him. I called everywhere, not in jail, not in the hospital, not dead...he vanished! I came to my senses and checked my accounts. That mf wiped them clean. Now here I am with an LV backpack full of Moët walking around Chicago drunk as a skunk, crying, and bashing every light skinned man I saw. So drunk I have on no shoes and this dress is now grey and black from me falling in every damn pothole known to man.

I woke up in a hospital bed with my face and entire body bandaged. Doctors come in and told me I've been out for 2 months and I was hit by an 18 wheeler. They reconstructed my body the best they could. All I could think was if I wasn't fucked up before I know I look like a fucking patch work quilt now. 2 months passed and I hadn't looked in a mirror but i was healed and it was time to go. I finally saw myself and no scarring, no disfigurement, but a beautiful me. My face wasn't my face, I looked completely different. I still had some of the same mannerisms and few facial expressions but the reflection wasn't me. Like real life face-off type shit. But I didn't forget how angry I was and I needed to find that bastard. I looked for Maddy who introduced me into Wiliiam. This stupid bitch disappeared too. Now I'm searching for him and no one has ever even heard of a mf William! Maddy's parents haven't heard from her. Now I'm feeling ultimately played and fucking stupid. How could I have been so dick whipped, I let this happen. Now I'm soo mad I'm crying because they're probably somewhere living it up on my dime. Thankfully I wasn't that stupid and I still have $1.3 mil stashed away. But damnit I worked hard for mine and I want it back!

I just needed a getaway and saw an ad about an island where they specialized in healing. I dropped 30 bands for a 2 month stay. I get to this island and everybody was just happy and the air smelled so sweet. I was shown to my private beach house by the finest chocolate man I ever laid my eyes on. He spoke so eloquently with his heavy Jamaican accent. I reached for my bag to give him a tip and he no no. I prefer my tip in a different form. Me confused, I said what's that?? He threw me on the bed and lifted my dress so slow, and had himself a good taste of me. His tongue danced so good on my girl and I came so hard all down his face. He stood, smiled, said thank you, and he left. I couldn't help but think what type of shit did I pay for?! Specializing in healing...sexual healing was more like it. Every morning, noon and night a different man with different skills. I looked the best I ever had. My skin was glowing I was in shape. I never wanted to leave.

One morning I just decided to take a stroll on the beach. I spotted this man and my jaw dropped. He was 6'3, piercing hazel eyes, light skinned, waves that will rock you soul to sleep, dimples that will make you melt, and don't get me started on this body! His name was Jeremy Devereaux. I introduced myself as Eva. I made sure I did all of my homework on this guy. He was legit! He joined me on my walk and we started to spend every moment we could together on that island. One night we went for a late night stroll and he guided me towards the water. He carried me in and slid my dress up as he stroked inside me so slowly. The oceans waves we so perfect as it rocked us and put us in perfect harmony. He took me out of the water and let's just say the sand told a story of what happened next in the form of handprints, ass prints, knee prints, and scattered clothing. The next day Jeremy asked me to meet him on the beach right before sunset. I met him and there was this big candle lit scene with roses petals every where. We ate, drank and laughed. As the sunset Jeremy got on one knee and proposed. He had a whole speech about never meeting someone like me and blah blah. I said yes. And he immediately planned a wedding for the end of the week. I know what you're thinking but I love him. He asked if I was going to invite family, and I told him I had none. He said don't worry baby you're about to gain a big one that will love you as much as I do. His entire family came out for wedding. The early morning of the wedding I packed all of my things and shredded the dress to pieces. I passed by our venue and the wedding was fit for a queen. As I was on the plane back to Anywhwre but there, I watched a live feed of the "wedding." Before I left I strapped my initial Jamaican bell man with a small camera. Jeremy looked so happy, but his bride I never arrived. He cried his soul out. The bellman walked up to Jeremy with a letter on a silver platter with roses. Jeremy opened it and inside was a picture from OUR first "wedding" and that horrible dress to a picture of me in the Vera Wang. The letter read "My love William, I'm sorry I mean Jeremy, I never thought in a million years I would run into you after the shit you pulled. How does it feel to be left at the alter by someone you love? Don't worry you'll get over it. Not only are you heartbroken but now broke. Your family's entire fortune is also gone. So now explain to the pussy you came out of how she raised a piece of shit and you all now have nothing. Love Ava, Eva or whoever in tf you want me to be today." I watched as he fell to his knees, screamed bloody murder and hung his head in shame. Satisfied I closed my laptop...Now on to this bitch Maddy!

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