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- still awake ha ha ha kill me please -

"Logan! Logan! What do you call this piece?"

"I call it, mind over man." I said as cameras flashed and people shouted questions at me. "Yes? You in the ripped jeans and tall boots?"

"What inspired you to make it? How did you get the name of it?"

"There came a time in my life where I felt trapped. I was stuck in a never ending cycle that tore me apart. So I stepped back and thought about what was important to me: art, romance, friendships, and creativity. You can have all the abilities in the world, but if your stuck in something that's draining you, you can never give your full potential at something. So sometimes, it's best to listen to your mind, rather than what you want to do." I said and smiled. "You in the green jacket in the back."

"Logan, is this piece for sale? Will you ever sell it?"

"Perhaps. Perhaps not." I said and hummed as I looked at it. "Art isn't about the money. It's about release. It's about expressing a picture words cannot depict. A story words cannot describe."

"Logan! Over here!"

"Logan, you have a book out that is extemely popular! How does that feel?"

"My book?" I asked and chuckled as I adjusted the microphone. "It's great. I wrote it to express everything I felt but never could say. To have millions of people read it, it's surreal."

"How did you figure out you wanted to be an artist and author?"

"Why do you have so many tattoos?"

"Does your image effect your work?"

"My image does effect certain things, but I don't understand why. You love art and you love writing. Yet you frown upon it when someone approaches with both of them printed upon their skin. It makes no sense to me." I said and smiled as I looked around, scratching the back of my neck.

"I wanted to be an artist and author just recently. I always drew for fun, but decided to make a job of it when people said I was good enough. Being author was fairly recent, I was never good with words as a kid or a teenager. But since then, I've expanded my vocabulary." I joked and waved to an interviewer who kept waving her hand at me.

"You talk a lot about your past. What happened that was so traumatizing?"

"Nothing was traumatizing. It was more so... unfair. A young kid was forced way too quickly to grow up in a world he didn't quite understand. That's all." I said and someone tapped my shoulder.

"You have five minutes." Crystal told me and I nodded as she stepped off of the podeum I was on.

"I have time for a few more questions. You in the blue sweater." I said and pointed to someone upfront.

"What do you have to say to people who may have been in your shoes, or worse? Anything special?"

"Cherish your childhood. You have the rest of your life to be an adult and deal with adult things." I said and smiled softly. "Uh.. your family is less who your blood connects you with, and more who you connect with spiritually. Um, hang in there. Everything seems permanent while it's happening, but I promise you it isn't."

I pointer at a man in an orange jacket and it went silent. "Who's fault is it that you turned out this way? Is there anyone to blame? Normally people have someone to blame for their troubles."

Luke Hemmings Secret BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now