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Jessica's POV:

I woke up crying. I had a terrible dream that Matthew had been killed. This is was the fifth time this month. Five months pregnant. I was in my second stage. I wonder if this was normal? I turned around to cuddle next to Matthew, but his side of the bed was freaking freezing.

I sat up to find Burnie laying at the end of the bed. Which wasn't usually where he slept, he usually slept right next to Matthew. I walked to our bathroom to find no Matthew still. Where could he have been?

I soon checked all over the house. To my surprise he wasn't in the nursery. I checked the garage where all of our cars were but all the cars where there. I didn't check one place. Alex's room. I hate her.

I walk back upstairs go through a few hallways to find her bedroom door shut. I open the door a crack to see Matthew cuddling with Alex. I quickly and quietly close the door shut.

I feel tears streaming done my face. My eyes burning. How could he just do this to me? I can't believe it. I ran to our bathroom and slammed the door. I went through the cupboards. After about five minutes I finally found one. I broke off the handle, and then took a pair of scissors and cut the plastic making the razors fall out onto the bathroom floor.

I was crying even harder now. I put the unused razors back where I found them. I didn't need to cut. So I didn't. I went back and laid back in bed, then the door opened. I quickly shut my eyes so he doesn't know that I was awake.

"Hey baby girl, what's wrong? You have mascara all over your face." He asked rubbing my sore back. I pushed him to the side not wanting to deal with him right now. "Is the baby giving you any trouble?" He asked rubbing my super tiny baby bump that was still kind of flat.

I got up and pushed him to the side. Walking outside to the backyard. He followed me repeatedly asking "What's wrong!" I finally just slapped him. "You're a pain in my ass!" He laughed. I picked up a pistol that was on the ground and had it pointing to his head. "DO IT!" He yelled repeatedly. Alex came outside "What the hell is going on out here?!" She yelled. Then I pointed the gun at her and shot her in the head. Killing her. Then focusing the gun back to Matthew's forehead. "My heart scares you, but a god damn pistol doesn't?" I cried.

My Kidnapper (A Matthew Espinosa Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now