Chapter 1 : She came back

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It's a normal day in Fairy Tail.
Natsu and Gray fighting, Erza eating cake, Mira smiling, Cana drinking, Levy reading, Gajeel eating iron, Elfman yelling manly.
The doors are kicked open.
The entire guild look to see who it is.
It's a girl with short white hair.
It's Lisanna.
The guild members rush to her except for Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Juvia and Pantherlily.
They stand there wondering who she is.

Lucy POV
I wonder who she is ?
She walked to us and said "Hello my name is Lisanna Strauss, I'm the younger sister of Mirajane and Elfman . " Carla, Wendy, Gajeel, Juvia and Pantherlily greeted her .
"Hello my name is Lucy" I say smiling and hold up my right hand.
She smiles and shakes my hand.
I feel a bit of pain as she shakes my hand.

Wow she has a strong grip.
It feels likes she's trying to hurt me.
Nah it's probably my imagination.
"I hope we can be friends " she says.
"Yeah/Sure/Of course" we say in unison
After that master shouts " LISTEN OP BRATZ SINCE LISANNA HAS RETURND WE'LL PARTY " everyone cheers then partied.

We partied for hours , I was having fun until I saw Lisanna making out with Natsu.
My heart shatters into a million pieces.
I want to cry.
Mira asks if something's wrong.
"Everything's fine Mira don't worry" Mira still seems worried, but shrugs it off.

I go home walking sad.
I have a feeling that somebody's following me.
I look behind me and see Lisanna running towards me.
She covers my mouth.


Lisanna POV
Everyone rushes to me.
I immediately hug Natsu.
Natsu tells me that he made new friends.
He points at the people who didn't run towards me.
I look and I see a blond girl.
I feel a little jealous.

I walk up to them and say "Hello my name is Lisanna Strauss, I'm the younger sister of Mirajane and Elfman" they all greet me.
The blond girl is last and she says "Hello my name is Lucy" she holds her hand and I shake it really hard hopping it would hurt her.
She just smiles like an idiot.

Man this bitch is going to be a pain is the ass.
Then master shouts "LISTEN UP BRATZ SINCE LISANNA HAS RETURND WE'LL PARTY " the entire guild parties.
Lucy seems happy, time to ruin her life.
I see Natsu and kiss him, Lucy seems upset.
She leaves after talking to Mira.
I decided to follow her.
She turns around and I put my hand over her mouth.

"Don't you dare scream or fight back" she nods.
It looks like she's afraid, I release my hand from her mouth.
"Now listen up you bitch stay away from Natsu or else you'll regret it later.
Got it "
"I-I g- got it" she stutters.
"Oh, and tell anyone about our little conversation I'll harm Wendy".
"I won't tell anyone, I promise " she says with fear.
"Good now run along " I say and she runs away.
"What a weakling".

Lucy POV
I run and didn't look back.
When I reach my apartment I lock my door and cry.
"I can't believe she did that to me" I say crying.

I cried for hours until I Plue came.
"Pun... pun" Plue says and I smile.
"Thank you Plue for cheering me up" I say then Plue disappears.
I get up, take a shower, wear some pj's and go to bed.
I still thought about what she said.
After a while I fall asleep.

Crystal : hi I hope you like my story , it's my first time writing a story .
Lucy can you do the disclaimer
Lucy : Crystal-san doesn't own Fairy Tail, the picture or the song .
Crystal: thank you Lucy

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