Chapter 6 : Leaving Fairy Tail

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Kira POV
It's been nearly 3 months since we joined Fairy Tail.
We had a great time but I know Lucy's sad but we must leave in order to get her revenge.
Right now me and Lucy are walking to the guild.

"Lucy don't you think we should tell them that we're leaving in a week" I ask worried.
"Yeah we should but what are we going to tell them" Lucy asks.
"We'll just say our mentors want our help with something and that we have to go".

Lucy nods.
"Don't be sad Lucy you still have a week and you'll see them again" Rose says trying to cheer up Lucy.

We walk in the guild and fire heads our way  I requiped Hells Killer and when the fire made contact it was absorbed.

I see that Fuyu is very shocked so I threw Hells Killer hard enough to knock him out.
The slut comes to his rescue.
"How dare you throw that thing at my boyfriend, you whore" the slut says while helping the flaming bastard.

"If you want to see a whore look in a mirror".
The guild laughed at the two.
The guild isn't mad at Lucy anymore but that doesn't mean she forgives them.

We sit with our friends and order some milkshakes.
"We have something to tell you".
They look worried and I look at Lucy.
She sighs and says "We're leaving".
They look shocked.
"But why" Wendy asks.

"Our mentors need our help with something important.
We're leaving in a week".
They are sad but accept our decision.

Master came out of his office and said that he has an announcement.
AND MEST GRYDER" master shouts.

The guild cheers.
YOU HAVE A WEEK TO TRAIN" master continues.
The participants except the dense idiot look scared.

After that we all go back.
We talk for a while and learn who their partners are going to be :
Fuyu - Bitchanna
Gray - Loki
Juvia - Aquarius
Elfman - Evergreen
Cana - Carla
Freed - Bixlow
Levy - Gajeel
Mest - Wendy

Gray and Juvia ask Lucy for her spirits help.
"I still can't believe that oversized pyro is in the trails" Melody says.
We laugh until we heard "Who are calling an oversized pyro".
"Wow, late reaction much" Lucy says rolling her eyes.

I fight the idiot until I see his blood shed.
I bent down and say "Don't even try to stand up you weak mage".
I walk back to our friends.

We talk for hours and go home.
"It was fun while it lasted".
"Yeah I'm going to miss our friends and master" Lucy says.
We talk for a while and fall asleep.

Time skip 1 week

Lucy POV
It's been already a week.
We saw our friends from time to time but they were busy with training.
We wave them goodbye and head back to the guild.

"We should tell Kinana that we're leaving".
Kira nods and we talk.
Kinana just joined the guild, she didn't ignore or did anything bad to us.

We open the doors and greet Kinana.
"Hey Lucy and Kira what can I do for you" Kinana asks.
"We came to tell you that we're leaving".
Kinana looks shocked and asks us why.
"Some one needs our help.
We already told master and he's fine with it" Kira says.
"And we can't come back".
Kinana looks sad but erases our marks.
We say our goodbyes and leave.

We head towards a forest and walk for hours.
When we're in the hart of the forest we look around.
We chant "Open gate to the dragon realm".
We step through and see the realm.

We're immediately greeted by our dragons.
We talk for hours and we learn something amazing.
Acnologia and Celestia are mates which means me and Kira are sisters.
Not blood related but still awesome.

We also learned that dragons can't have baby dragons.
Baby dragons are hatched somewhere in the dragon realm.
No one knows where but when an egg is ready to hatch it will appear somewhere special.

We also learned the other dragons mates :
Igneel and Aqua
Metalicana and Thunder
Weisslogia and Grandine
Skiadrum and Toxic
Rocky and Flora

I think honestly don't why Grandine chose Weisslogia.
Grandine is elegant, responsible and strict.
Weisslogia is the total opposite of Grandine.
I guess opposites attract.

We're walking towards the other dragons.
I think Grandine is scolding Igneel and Metalicana again.
Typical, we leave for 3 months and they still act like children.

"Still idiots fire eater and tin can" Kira asks with a smirk.
They were about to say something until Kira sends a dark aura.

"Girls we want to tell you something" Celestia says.
We nod and walk towards our dragons.

"We want you to learn all celestial and dark slayer magic" Acno says.
We're so happy, we jump in excitement.
"We'll take that as a yes" Celestia says while Acno chuckels


So sorry for updating late.
I haven't update this story in weeks.
I lost interest in this story.
But I gained a little to continue my story.
I don't own Fairy Tail

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