Chapter 21 : What just happened

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Shimā POV
I stare at the window.
'I want to be alone, I want no one next to me, I want-' my thought are interrupted by Rose sitting on my lap.

"You okay" she asks.
"Yeah I'm fine, I was just thinking".
Rose looks like she doesn't believe me and crosses her arms.
"Shimā, I'm your partner.
I know you're not fine" she says looking right in my eyes.

I sighs and look at the window again.
"It's just, I can't believe Sting and Rouge would do such a thing.
First they cheat, then they kill our future lovers and then Rouge kills Kira". 

Rose hugs and tries to comfort me.
"But that's not going to happen.
You stopped Ryos well technically Kira did but he left" she says.
I smile a little but I still look at the window.
It's easy to fake a smile than tell the painful truth.

The door opens and I see Minerva and Yukino with Kira trying to escape Minerva.
"Let me go, I don't wanna attend the party" Kira complains.
"Come on, it'll be fun.
I mean what's the worst thing that can happen" Yukino asks.

"Running into this traitors or the cheaters or the whores and we basically called the princess stupid with the way we acted".
Kira nods and Melody flys lands next to Rose.

"I say just attend the party then leave after an hour or so.
If those a-holes are trying to start something, they'll be thrown out of the palace" Melody says.

Minerva and Yukino high five.
Kira sighs and sits next to me.
"I'm guessing you're not going to give up" Kira asks.
"Yep, we'll even drag you to the party" Minerva says.

Me and Kira sigh.
"Well then, I guess there's only one thing to do" Kira says opening Shimā's window.
Minerva, Yukino and the exceeds are confused.
"TAKE-OVER: ANGEL WINGS" we yell in sync and their angelic/not so angelic wings appear.

We quickly fly out of the window so Minerva, Yukino and the exceeds won't catch us.
"We should activate our invisibility and hide our presences" Kira says.
I turn us invisible and Kira hides our presences and scents.

We land in the middle of the market.
We hear wings clapping and see our exceeds with Minerva and Yukino.
"They couldn't have gone that far" Minerva says.
"Lets split up and search for them" Rose says.
Rose is with Yukino and Minerva is with Melody.

"We can always put on a disguise" Kira suggests.
I nod and look for a dark place.
I point at an ally and we run towards it.
We hide making sure they're not near and turn visible again.

My hair is now silver and my eyes are now a golden yellow or amber.
Kira's hair is violet and her eyes are silver.
"What should our scents be".
"Honey and roses" Kira suggests.

I give us a honey and rose scent.
"Okay, we look different and we smell different.
The remaining thing is our voice.
I'll use a colder one and you, a sweeter one" Kira says.

I nod and we exit the ally but we accidentally bump into hard chests and fall.
"Ohh I'm so sorry" I say innocently.
We look up and see Sting and Rouge.
'I won't to punch him in the face' Kira says.

"Yeah, what she said" Kira says coldly.
They flinch at her cold presence.
"It's alright, have you two seen a blonde girl with blue eyes and a black-headed girl with red eyes" Sting asks.

I smile sweetly and say "We haven't actually and we have to go.
Sorry for bumping into you and sorry for my friend's behavior, she can be pretty cold sometimes".
I grab Kira's hand and run away.

I see Minerva and Melody and Kira's eyes widen.
She drags me in another ally.
"What was that for".
"We haven't changed our clothes" Kira says.
My eyes widen in horror, if Kira hadn't realize it sooner we would've been caught.

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