Chapter 13 : Reunion

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It seems that most of you don't want me to discontinue this story.
I've been thinking and decided to continue this story.
It may take longer to update.
And for those wondering why I wanted to discontinue this story, I honestly feel like this is a cliché Lucy's revenge.

Also I need your help. Do you want Lucy to be named

Lucy Heartfilia


Shimā Jūnishi

After she reveals her truth

Shimā POV
It's been 2 months, 3 weeks and 5 days since we began training.
Me and Kira already mastered every dragon slaying magic there is.
"All we have to do now is wait for the others".
Kira nods and lays on the grass.

Three portals suddenly open.
Orga and Rufus come out of the first one, Yukino from the second and Sting, Rouge and Minerva from the third one.

"Hey guys".
"Hey Shimā, hey Kira" they say in unison.
"How was training" Kira asks.

"Zeus and Poseidon were hardcore" Orga says and Rufus nods.
"Talia was very nice and helped my a lot" Yukino says.
"Icy was very funny and a little weird" Minerva says.
"Why were Yukino's and Minerva's mentors nice and not ours" Rufus asks.
"Yours were gods, it's natural that they want to push you to your limit".

"What about you guys" Kira asks Sting and Rouge.
"The wolves were nice, the phoenixes not so much and the demons were plain evil" Sting says.
"What did you expect from demons".

"Anyway the GMG begins in 2 days.
We should go back to Sabertooth".
We take our stuff and teleport to the guild.

As always Sting barges in without thinking but then again when does he think.
I still wonder how he's one of the strongest members of Sabertooth.
Life works in mysterious ways.

"Welcome back" the whole guild says.
"We're so going to win this year" Sting says.
"Yeah this is going to be easy" Lector says.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that".

Everyone looks at me confused.
"Why not" Yukino asks.
"You remember Fairy Tail right".
"Of course we do.
Those weaklings place last every year" Jiemma says.
Everyone except me, Kira and our exceeds laugh.

"Yes they did but the members on Tenrou island did't participate" Rose says.
Everyone stops laughing.
"What do you mean" Rouge asks.
"It's seems that the strongest members of Fairy Tail woke up from their 7 years of sleep" Kira says.
"And one of those members is Natsu Dragneel the fire dragon slayer".
Everyone is shocked.

"Who do you that" Minerva asks.
"We saw them 3 months ago".
"Are you friends with Fairy Tail" Sting asks.
"We're friends with some of the strongest members but with the rest of the guild we're enemies" Melody says.

"Did they do something" Rouge asks.
"They did to me but that's something I don't want to talk about.
And don't even bother asking us.
We'll tell during or after the games".
The guild nods and go back to what they were doing.

Our group sit down at the S-Class floor.
Jiemma said that our group can sit here because of our strength and because we threatened to shave his beard and FYI he needs to shave it.
(Ps the guild is a few towns away from Chorus)

The next day (one day before the GMG)

Kira POV
We wake up and head towards the train station.
"We should probably put on our cloaks" Shimā says.
I nod and we both requip into our cloaks.

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