Chapter 3 : Don't give a damn

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Lucy POV
I wake up by the sounds of birds chirping and the sun shining.
I remember what the guild did to me.
I'm very sad by that memory.
I do my morning routine and walk to the guild.

When I arrive at the doors I get ready for the next attack.
As soon as I enter the guild magic, bottles, tables basically anything is thrown at me and I close my eyes.
But I feel nothing when I open my eyes I see a rune protecting me.

Natsu ( being the idiot of the guild ) tries to attack me but lightning shocks him.
He then yells "Freed, Levy undo this rune".
"Now why would I undo my own rune Salamander" Freed sarcastically says and Levy says "No way Dragneel" mad.
Everyone except my true friends gasp.

I walk to the bar and ask Mira for a strawberry milkshake and an apple risotto.
She smiles and goes to the kitchen.
She comes back with my drink and food.
I smile and thank her.

After I finish my drink and food I pay for it.
I see Gaytsu and Bitchanna walking towards me and yes you heard me right.
I did have crush on Gaytsu ( a.k.a Natsu ) but after what he did to me, THERE IS NO WAY I'M IN LOVE WITH HIM ANYMORE .

"Hey Lucy I'm kicking you out of team Natsu you'r weak, useless, ugly, a pain in the ass and you always complain about you paying your rent .Lisanna is stronger and prietter than you" Gaytsu says with a grin and Bitchanna is smirking.

Everyone looks at us or rather they look at me with smirks on their faces.
I'm pretty sure they're thinking that I'm going break down crying.

"First of all Gaytsu is prettier not prietter if you want to tell me something you should know the spelling" I say bored, I heard a few snickers from my friends and Gaytsu looks confused.
"Second Bitchanna stop smirking, you make the Grinch look good with that face" I say with a bored face.

Immediately after I said that my friends burst out laughing while the rest of the guild have shocked faces except Gaytsu, he still looks confused.
"And third I don't give a shit if kicked me out of team Gaytsu" and then Gaytsu looks pissed off .

"What did you say you-"he was cut off by Laxus
saying "You heard her Gaytsu.
I think we should call you Gaytsu and her Bitchanna from now on.
Don't you agree" he asks amused.
We all nod.

"Why the hell are you guys taking her side. Lisanna is the one that got attack by Lucy" he angrily asks.
"Because we trust Lucy more that Bitchanna" Mira says annoyed.
The guild looks shocked at what Mira said.

"But Mira-nee your my sis-" Bitchanna says but was cut off by Mira "Don't you dare call me Mira-nee you are not my sister".

"And I quite team Gaytsu" Erza says.
"Me too flame brain" Gray says with a grin.
"Whatever like we care I don't you guys, I still have Happy" Gaytsu says very cocky.
"No way I'm not your partner anymore" he says glaring at Gaytsu

"Well I'm going home see you guys later" I say smiling and waved at them .
"Bye Lucy/Lucy-san/Lulu/Love rival/Bunny girl see you tomorrow" they happily say and wave.

When I arrive at my house I do my night routine and go to bed.
I was very sleepy until I heard a voice saying "Lucy are you awake".
I jump out bed to see who it was.

"There's no one here maybe I'm hearing things" I say to myself.
"Lucy your not hearing things" the voice says again.
"Who are you and what are you doing in my head" I ask.
"I mean you no harm Lucy but I need to tell you something important" it says.
"Okay I'm listening" I told the voice .
"Lucy you have secret powers" the voice says.
"Do I really have secret powers" I ask the voice.

"Yes you do and I saw what happened to you.
I have an offer for you.
If you want I can unlock your powers and teach you new ones.
Do you accept my offer" the voice asks.

"Yes" I happily say.
"Good now what I want you to do is go to your guild master and tell him your leaving for a month if he asks you why tell him what the guild did to you and I suggest you go in the morning when no one is around" the voice says then disappears. 

Crystal : So sorry if it's short that is all I could think for today .
Erza can you do the disclaimer .
Erza : Crystal does not own Fairy Tail, the picture or the video .
Crystal : Thank you Erza and bye

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