Chapter 11 : Forgiveness

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Kira POV
Me, Shimā and our exceeds are in the guild.
Yesterday was our 'date' with Sting and Rouge.
Some date that was.

They were on a mission when we're on our date.

I slam my fist on the table.
"It was certainly unforgettable" Shimā sarcastically says.
Minerva, Yukino and the rest of the guild are confused.

"Did something bad happen on your date " Minerva asks.
"Yes, something did happen".
"What happened" Yukino asks.

The doors suddenly open and we see Sting, Rouge and their exceeds.
"Why don't you ask them" Melody and Rose say with venom.
We told Melody and Rose what happened on our date yesterday.

The guild is shocked.
They never saw Melody and Rose angry.
Sting and Rouge see us and walk towards us.

"We're going on a job" I say while pulling Shimā away.
Melody and Rose follow us.
I take an easy job and Yukino stamps it.
We turn around and see Sting and Rouge.
We quickly teleport to Era.

Rouge POV
Kira, Shimā and their exceeds are gone.
"What happened on your date" Minerva asks.
"We just said ..... um I well" Sting stutters.
"What did you say" Yukino asks.
The whole guild is listening.

"We were on our date and a blonde girl was our waitress.
She started to flirt with us but we weren't interested.
Kira and Shimā found it funny and we said 'That's because you go out with boys all the time'.
After we said that they said that it was their first date and left".

Minerva and Yukino look pissed and Orga and Rufus face palms.
"YOU IDIOTS" Yukino yells.
Everyone including me is shocked.
Yukino never yells at someone.

"You basically told them that their sluts" Minerva says.
Now we know why their mad.
"But we didn't know" Sting says.
"You didn't know ? YOU DIDN'T KNOW" Minerva and Yukino yell.
"I excepted that from Sting but you Rouge.
I can believe you said that.
You're going to make it up to them but we're not helping" Minerva says.

"What but how-" Sting was cut off by Minerva saying "I don't care how you're going to do it but that's your problem.
You brought this upon yourselves".
Everyone nods and goes back to what they were doing.

"What are we going to do" Sting asks.
"I honestly don't know".
"Maybe you can buy them stuff and apologize" Lector suggests.
That's actually a good idea.
Why did Lector choose Sting of all people ?

"That could work but what should we buy".
"Fro thinks that Rouge and Sting should buy chocolates and flowers" Frosh says.
I raise an eyebrow "Why chocolates and flowers".
"Whenever Minerva and Yukino get mad Orga and Rufus get them chocolates and flowers" Lector says.

We head out to buy the things we need.
We told Frosh and Lector to stay in the guild.
"Where to first" Sting asks.
"Lets buy the flowers first".
We walked for a few minutes till we see a flower shop with the a sign that says
'Red Blossom'.

We walk in and see a girl about 18 years old with lavender hair and green eyes.
"Welcome how may I help you" she asks.
"We're looking for some flowers for two girls" Sting says.
The girls smiles and asks "Are the two girls your girlfriends".
We blush and shook our heads.

"Really that's a shame.
What kind of flowers are you looking for" she asks.
"We're looking for special flowers".
"Oh my.
Let me see what we got.
I'll be back in a few minutes" she says and leaves.

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