Chapter 2 : What did I do

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Lucy POV
I wake up, it's 8:00 AM.
I remember what happened last night.
I look around me and I see that my bed is empty.
"Hmm ... Natsu and Happy usually sleep in my bed".
I get up, take a shower, wear my usual  clothes and eat breakfast.
It's 9:00 AM, I leave my apartment and head to the guild.
I open the door and say " Ohayō min'na"
"Hello Lu-chan/Lucy/Lushey/bunny girl/love rival" said Wendy, Romeo, Mira, Gajeel, Juvia, Erza, Gray and the exceeds.
The rest of the guild ignores me.
I walk up to Mira and order a strawberry vanilla milkshake.

After I finish I head to Natsu and ask him if he wants to go on a mission with me and he says "Sorry Luce I promised Lisanna that I would go on a mission with her"
I fake smile and say "It's okey maybe next time" then I walk away.

An hour ago

Lisanna POV
"Hey Natsu can we go on a mission together" I ask.
"Sure I'll tell the rest of team Natsu" he says.
"No I mean only you and me".
"Why" he asks.
"Because I want to spent time with you" .
"Oh... okay" he says.

We search for a job request.
After we find it I go to Mira and she stamps it.
"Natsu I going to get ready for our  mission"
"Okay and don't take too long " he says.
I get ready in 25 minutes and when I came back I saw bitchy talking to MY NATSU.

When they we're done talking I go to Natsu.
"Hey why were you talking to Lucy"
"She just asked me if I wanted to go on a mission with her.
Why do you ask " Natsu asks.
"Just curious " I say smiling.


After Natsu told me why SHE was talking to him, we left the guild and went to the station to buy 2 tickets to Minstrel. 
When we were on the train Natsu looked like he was gonna throw up.
"Can I lie on your lap"  he asks not trying to vomit.
I nod and on my lap.
After a while we both fall asleep.

I slowly open my eyes and quietly yawn.
Natsu is still asleep.
"You will be mine Natsu Dragneel" .
"Hmm ..... what did you say Liz" he tiredly asks.
Aww he called me Liz.
No Lisanna you shouldn't let you guard down.
"I said we arrived in Minstrel" .
The train stops and Natsu bolts to the the exit.


"That was such an easy mission right Natsu "
"Yeah, lets go back to the hotel"
I nod and follow him.

Lucy POV
I wake up did my routine and head to the guild.
"Ohayō min'na".
"Hello Lucy /Lu-chan/Lushey" Mira, Levy, Wendy, Carla and Happy say.
My other friends are on missions.
Everyone else ignores me.

I go to Mira and order some food and water. After I'm done, Mira takes my plate and glass.
Me and Mira were talking until the doors were kicked open.

I see Natsu and Lisanna.
Happy flys to Natsu crying and says "Natsu were where you" Natsu replies with "Sorry Happy I was on a mission with Lisanna ".
Poor Happy, he's been alone since Lisanna came back.

After Natsu apologises to Happy, Lisanna says "Hi everyone".
The entire guild greet her.
From the looks of it she is trying to act like me.

Lisanna sees me and walks towards me, "Hey Lucy I need to talk to you IN PRIVATE " she says.
"Um .....okay" I quietly say.
I follow her outside the guild.

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