Chapter 9 : Mission

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Third person POV

It's been a month since Shimā, Kira and their exceeds joined Sabertooth.
Shimā and Kira are known as the Twin Slayers.
They are the only SS-class mage in the guild.
No one outside the guild knows about Shimā and Kira.

Shimā, Kira and their exceeds are sitting with Minerva and Yukino.
"This is boring.
I wanna have some fun" Rose whines.
"Lets go on a job" Shimā says.
"Sorry we can't go" Minerva and Yukino say.
"It's okey, let's go girls" Kira says while getting up.

Shimā, Kira and their exceeds head towards the request board.
They look for a job for a few minutes.
"How about this one" Shimā asks.
She shows a flier that says :

Job : Kill the monsters that have killed many and destroyed the forest

Destination : Sakura

Client : Mayor of Sakura

Reward : 15.000.000 J

"Seems easy" Kira says.
They head towards Yukino.
"Where are you guys going" Sting asks.
"We're going on a job request" Shimā says.
"Can we please come with you ?
We need to pay our rent this month" Rouge asks.

The girls look at each other and nod.
The boys smile and they all go to Yukino.
"Hey Yukino we're going on a job.
Can you stamp this" Kira says/asks.
Yukino nods and stamps the flier.

The twins and exceeds walk out of the guild.
"Where are we going" Lector asks.
"We need to go to Sakura" Melody says.
Sting and Rouge faces are turning white.
Shimā and Kira look at them with a what's-wrong face.
"Don't you get motion sickness from trains" Rouge asks.
"No we don't have motion sickness" Kira answers.

The boys look at the girls in disbelief.
"But I thought that all dragon slayers have motion sickness" Lector says.
"Fro thought so too" Frosh says.

"Wendy Marvell is a sky dragon slayer but she doesn't have motion sickness because she has healing magic.
We know sky and healing magic and that is why we don't have motion sickness" Shimā says.
The boys are shocked.

"And who said that we're taking a train ?
We're gonna teleport ourselves" Rose says.
The boys were about to say something but Shimā and Kira snap their fingers.
They are now in a different place with a lot of sakura trees.

"I see why they name this place Sakura" Shimā says.
Kira and the exceeds agree.
Sting and Rouge are in a daze.
The boys fell and the girls laugh.

Sting and Rouge glare at Kira and she gives them an innocent smile.
The group walk towards the Mayor's office.
Shimā knocks on the door and a maid opens the door.

Shimā knocks on the door and a maid opens the door

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"Hello how may I help you" the maid asks.
"We're here for the job request" Sting says.
"Aren't you the twin dragons" she asks.
"Yes we are the twin dragons" Sting says cocky.
The girls and Rouge roll their eyes.

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