Chapter 16 : GMG Day 3

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Kira POV
I wake up and see that the rest of my teammates are still sleeping.
I sigh and take a shower.

"I still can't believe he did that".
Why would Rouge slap me and why did he care for a person from a rival guild ?
It doesn't make any sense.
And then there's Sting, he's also acting weird.

When Jenny made eye contact he smirked.
And after Rouge slapped me, he looked upset.
Or rather he had guilt in his eyes.
I requip into my clothes and get out of the bathroom.

I requip into my clothes and get out of the bathroom

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I look at the clock and see that it's 7:10 AM.
The games begin at 9:30 AM and we usually leave at 9:00 AM.
I walk towards the door and turn the handle.

"Where are you going" someone asks.
I turn around and see Shimā rubbing her eyes.
"I'm going for a walk".
"Can I come with you" Shimā asks.
I nod and she heads towards the bathroom.
She comes out after 20 minutes in different clothes.

She comes out after 20 minutes in different clothes

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(She wears the same jeans as Kira)

I raise an eyebrow and ask "What's with the different clothes".
"I don't feel like my usual self and I could ask the same about you" she says looking at me.
"After everything what happened yesterday and lets not forget I'm drawn to unusual things".

She sighs and walks towards me.
"What should we do about Rose and Melody" Shimā asks.
"Lets just leave a note".
She nods and writes something on a piece of paper then places it on her bed.

I quietly open the door and we step outside.
Shimā closes the door and we walk to the front desk.

A brunette sees us and asks "Are you going out".
We nod and she smiles.
"Aren't you girls from Sabertooth" she asks.
Shimā nods and the brunette squeals.

"I'm a big fan of you girls.
I should also inform you that two of your friends left an hour ago" she says.
'Our friends'.
'But everyone's still asleep unless ...' Shimā replies.

"Excuse us for asking but who are the ones that left" Shimā asks.
"The twin Dragons" she says smiling.
Our eyes widen.

"Are you okay" she asks.
"We're fine but do know where they went".
"I believe they said that they were going to Hisan'na lake to meet a their girlfriends" she says.
(Ps Hisan'na means heartbroken or something similar, it also sounds like Lisanna)

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