Chapter 14 : GMG Day 1

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The votes are in and we'll call Lucy Shimā Jūnishi after she reveals the truth.

Third Person POV
Team Sabertooth heads towards the Domus Flau.
They wait for the other teams before they can show off.

"Welcome to the Grand Magic Games x791.
I'm Chapati Lola and this is Yajima.
We're going to be this years announcers" Chapati says.
"Joining is Jenny Realight who won the title as Miss Fiore" Lola says.
Jenny smiles and says "Better watch out because Blue Pegasus is going to win this year".

"In eight place is Fairy Tail.
Fairy Tail usually ends up in last place but with the return of the strongest members that may change" Chapati says.
Team A consists Natsu, Gray, Erza, Elfman and Lisanna.
Most people boo at Fairy Tail.

"In seventh place are the howling hounds Quatro Cerberus"
Some people cheer for the team but not a lot.

"In sixth place are the beautiful ladies of Mermaid Heel"
Most guys cheer for the girls as they enter.
Some have hearts in their eyes and some nosebleeds.

"In fifth place is Blue Pegasus"
"Good luck boys.
I know we can win this year" Jenny says.
Most girls squeal and faint.

"In fourth place is the guild that always ends up in second place, Lamia Scale"
Most people cheer for the team.

"In third place is ..... Raven Tail"
Everyone except Shimā, Kira and their exceeds are confused.
"Raven has been a legal guild for 7 years but the council doesn't recognized them as a dark guild" Yajima says.

"In second place is ... what a surprise.
In second place is Fairy Tail team B"
Everyone except Shimā, Kira and their exceeds are shocked.

"And first place goes to Sabertooth"
The entire crowd goes wild.
Everyone recognize Sting, Rouge and Minerva but not Shimā and Kira.
"I'm sure most of you are wondering who the cloaked members are.
They joined a few months ago and are the only SS-class wizards in Sabertooth" Chapati says.
Everyone except the sabers gasp.

Mato jumps from the sky and walks towards the sabers.
"Can you please remove your cloaks and masks ?
The other guilds and the audience are every curious" Mato asks.

Shimā and Kira look at each other and nod.
They snap their finger and their cloak and mask disappear.
Once again everyone gasps.

"Shimā, Kira you're in Sabertooth" Erza asks.
Shimā and Kira sheepishly rub their necks.
"Yeah we're in Sabertooth.
We're sorry but we can't fight those two traitors when we're in the same guild" Shimā explains.
Erza nods and everyone (except Natsu and Lisanna) from the Fairy Tail teams go to the twin slayers.

Everyone flinches and cover their ears.
"I see that the squealing pig hasn't change over the past 7 years" Kira says.
(Ps Natsu and Lisanna did't open their second origin)

Everyone except Natsu laughs at Lisanna.
"Who are you calling a squealing pig you bitch" Nastu asks.
"Sorry we don't speak idiot" Shimā says.
Most people laugh at Natsu.

"And to answer your question me and my friend were once members of Fairy Tail" Shimā says.
Everyone including Sabertooth is silent.

"Wait a second, did you just say that you girls were apart of Fairy Tail" Jura asks.
"We were but we left because most of the guild members are idiots" Kira says.
"You mean were" Lisanna says.

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