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Third Person POV
Shimā and Kira are so far enjoying their double date, even though Kira would never admit it.
Then the door suddenly burst open.
Everyone looks towards the entrance and sees Sting and Rouge in suits.

"Oh shit" Kira mutters and Shimā freezes.
They duck and Shimā whispers "Great just great. What the hell are they doing here and what are we going to do".
"Dafuq should I know ? I told you we were gonna regret agreeing to this date" Kira harshly whispers back.

They hear footsteps coming towards their table and curse under their breath.
"You know we can see you" Rouge says obviously a little angry.
Shimā and Kira sit up straight and nervously chuckle.

"Hehehe hey guys ..... so uh how's your night been" Kira asks fake smiling.
"Cut the crap. What are you guys doing with them" Sting asks empathizing 'them'.
"Ya know something tells me you two don't like us" Jack says crossing his arms.

Sting and Rouge snap and grab the collars of Jack's and Jackson's shirt.
Everyone gasps and the girls face palm.
'Yeah I regret agreeing to this date' Shimā says.
'Told ya so' Kira replies and Shimā rolls her eyes.

"You better back off our girls or else" Sting murderously threatens.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you the ones who cheated on them ? And why should we back off if you're not dating anymore" Jack cockily asks.

The twin dragons raise their fists to punch them but a waiter interrupts them.
"Excuse me, I'm afraid I am going to ask you to leave. You're interrupting our guests" he says timidly.
They four guys ignore the waiter and the girls sigh.

"No need, we were done with this date and we're about to leave" Kira says and hands him about 30,000 Jewels.
They grab their purses and hurriedly walk out of the restaurant.

Sting, Rouge, Jack and Jackson run after them.
"What was that about" Sting asks and Shimā grits her teeth.
They all flinch due to her loud voice.

"Why the hell did you interrupt us" Kira asks, her bands covering her eyes.
"We were looking for you two all night, why weren't you at the party" Rouge asks.
"Because we didn't want to see you, that and the girls would've put us in girly puffy dresses" Shimā says shivering at the end.

Jack and Jackson look at each other and nod.
"Look I know we asked you guys on a date and all but it looks like they still like you" Jack says and the girls look at them with wide eyes.
"Yeah we've messed up a lot of relationships and we regret that and the look in their eyes tells us they genuinely regret cheating on you guys" Jackson says rubbing their necks.

"What the heck are you saying" Shimā asks.
"I'm saying you guys should give them another chance" Jackson says looking away.
Shimā's and Kira's eyes widen in horror.
"It's really up to you guys but we should go. Good luck sorting things out" Jack says and they walk away.

"That was a dick move" Kira growls under her breath.
"Yeah but should we talk to them ? What if Jack and Jackson were right and they genuinely still love us" Shimā asks whispering.
"Well they can go and fuck themselves because I'm leaving" Kira says and turns around to walk away but Rouge grabs her wrist.

"Let me go this instant" Kira demands but Rouge ignores her.
"Shimā, for fuck's sake help me goddamnit" Kira curses and Shimā rolls her hers.
She shoves Rouge away from Kira and glares at his twin.

"If you'll excuse us, we have to leave and kill someone" Shimā says and they turn around.
Sting and Rouge run in front of them and prevent them from leaving.
"Please wait and hear us out" Sting pleads.
"We want to explain ourselves for what we did" Rouge says with sadness.

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