Chapter 20 : His Mistake

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Kira POV
I look around and all I see is destruction.
How hard is it to find the asshole behind this mess ?
I mean this place is huge and destroyed.
You would think he'd been on a killing spree.

I suddenly feel something coming my way and I jump out of the way just in time.
A gray dragon with black eyes lands in front of me.

"And who might you be".
"I am Kuroshi, the dragon of chaos" he says.
Kuroshi .... that name sounds familiar.
"Your name, why does it sound so familiar".

"That's because I was once the heir to the next dark dragon but due to some ... unfortunate actions of mine I was exiled" Kuroshi says.
My eyes widen in shock.
Of course Kuroshi, he was jealous of Acnologia so he tried to kill him but Acnologia was far superior than him.

"I thought you died when a slayer found you".
He chuckles and grins.
"A slayer did find me but he promised me something and I will do anything to get what I want" he says.
"And what might that be".
"To be the next dark dragon" he claims.

Ahh hell nah, Acno said that I'm going to be the next one and if this cocky rip off wants to be it, well then he certainly has a death wish.

"Don't really hate to break it to ya but I'm Acnologia's slayer and the next dark dragon.
So if you want to get your dragon ass to be kicked, then step right up" I say getting into my fighting stance.

He glares at me and roars in anger.
Damn, this guy has anger issues.

He flys towards me with his jaws wide open.
"Re-quip : Angel of Death" a black light surrounds me and I transform.

I grow dragon-like horns, black raven wings appear and my eyes turn pitch black

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I grow dragon-like horns, black raven wings appear and my eyes turn pitch black.
A black, silver and purple armor appears with a black diamond necklace.

I fly out of the way with ease and chuckle.
"No wonder you weren't chosen.
You act before you think and you're predictable".
He looks even more pissed and charges at me.

I keep dodging his attacks and get bored very quickly.
'Hey Acno, can I kill him ?
He's pissing me off and he's boring af'.
'Sure but remember no evidence, no problems' Acno says.

I smirk at the thought of Kuroshi screaming in agony while piercing a sword through his body.
"Ohh this will be quick". 
His tail suddenly whips me and I crash into a building.

I groan and get up.
"Well I defiantly didn't expect that" I say brushing dirt off of my armor.
"Angel's Fall" black angels appear and rush to Kuroshi.

They attack him but he rips them with his claws.
"Is that all you got" he taunts.
"Nope, that was just me messing with you".
He growls and spread his wings.

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