Chapther 10 : Disastrous date

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Sting POV

Me and Rouge are in our dorm.
We share a dorm but we have separate rooms.
I have a strange feeling around Shimā and Rouge feels the same about Kira.

We feel jealous when other guys are around them.
Orga is dating Minerva and Rufus is dating Yukino.
I feel so left out.

"Sting are you okay" my emotionless twin asks.
"I'm fine".
"I know you're not.
You love Shimā" Rouge says.
My face heats up and turns crimson red.

"Shut up Rouge.
I know that you like- no love Kira".
It's Rouge turn to blush.
"*sigh* I know that I love her idiot.
It's just .... I don't know what to do" he says.
Wow for the first time Rouge talks longer than 1 minute.

"Orga and Rufus always tell us about their dates.
Maybe we should ask them".
Rouge looks shocked and says "Sting! That is actually a good idea.
Who knew you had good ideas".

There was no need to say that Rouge.
"What are you guys talking about" Lector asks.
"We were talking about Shimā and Kira" Rouge asks.
"Fro want to know why Sting and Rouge were talking about Shimā and Kira" Frosh says.

"We're going to asks them on a double date".
Lector and Frosh look happy.
"Why are you so happy" Rouge asks.
"You see ..... I kinda like Rose" Lector says.
"Fro thinks that Fro likes Melody" Frosh says.
Looks like we're all in love.

Third person POV

The boys go out and walk towards the guild.
They walk in and head towards Shimā and Kira.
"Hey Shimā, hey Kira" they say.
"Hey Sting, hey Rouge" the girls say.
Rose and Melody are home because they didn't feel well.
Lector and Frosh stayed at the dorm because they were too embarrassed to come.

"Is there something you need" Shimā asks.
"We wanted to ask both of you something" Sting says.
"What do you want to ask" Kira asks.

Sting and Rouge gulp and quickly say "Wouldyouliketogoonadoubledatewithus".
"Can you say that slower" Shimā asks.
"Would you like to go on a double date with us" they say slowly.

The guild is silent.
Some happy, some jealous and some angry.
Some of the girls really like Sting and Rouge but they only like them because they're famous.
Some guys wanted to ask Shimā and Kira on a date because they're beautiful.

"Yes" Shimā and Kira say.
"We understand- wait did you just say yes" Sting and Rouge asks.
Shimā and Kira nod.
Sting runs around saying "She said yes! She said yes" over and over again.
Rouge smiles and blushes.
The guild thought 'Rouge's smiling and blushing, THE WORLD IS GOING TO END'

"So where are we going" Kira asks.
Sting stops running and Rouge stops blushing.
They realized that they didn't plan their double date.

"It's a surprise" Rouge says.
Shimā raises an eyebrow and asks "You didn't plan the date right".
The boys shook their heads not wanting to screw their chances up.
"We already have" Sting says.

The girls knew that they didn't plan anything but kept quiet.
"Okay then where and when are we going to meet" Shimā asks.
"At 7:30 pm in Mizuki park" Rouge says.
The girls nod and left to get ready.

The boys went back to their dorm and tried to plan their date.
"Where are we going" Sting asks.
"Don't we have tickets to the Silver Dragon" Rouge asks.
"That new VIP restaurant ?
Yeah we have 4 tickets" Sting says.
"We can take them there" Rouge says.
Sting nods and looks at the clock.
It's 6:00 pm and they got themselves ready.

It's 6:00 pm and they got themselves ready

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