Chapter 5

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Readers p.o.v

My leg was in pain, but I ran away from the mansion as far away as I could, fear taking over my mind and doing the thinking for me. I couldn't risk him finding me and there was no turning back and begging for forgiveness from that monster, so I ran.

I ran past trees and more trees, trying to find a way out, but my breath was becoming shaky as the sky got darker. Forests were beautiful places but at night they were scarier than anything. The trees looked twisted and fierce and the slightest ruffle in the bushes would make anyone shake in fear.

Eventually I was so lost that I gave up and decided to wait till morning, just praying that he wouldn't find me before the sun came up. I didn't want to wait, but running in the forest in the dark was like running in a maze. So I walked to a tree and sat at the bottom of its trunk and pulled my knees to my chest, trying to keep warm.

After a while my eyes lids began to close, but they were jolted open by a loud growl that erupted from the dark. I looked around for any signs of movement but found nothing but more darkness, until I heard another growl and the light pitter patter of clawed paws. I stared into the dark until I saw two yellow eyes staring at me and I began to tremble in fear. A wolf. A large, menacing, deadly wolf.


I stood up slowly, but that just caused it to growl more and show its razor teeth. I stood and tried to back away, but it just kept on crawling closer and closer to me. I closed my eyes in fear before I was slammed down onto the cold forest floor, a loud scream releasing from my lungs.

Offendermans p.o.v

I ran fast through the woods, searching around for Y/n. I tried to listen out for more screams or calls for help, but I heard nothing apart from the buzzing of bugs and the chirps of birds. I became even more worried from the silence and ran even faster, until I heard a loud growl and looked over to see Y/n laying on the ground, a bite wound in her shoulder and a wolf with a mouthful of blood towering above her.

My eyes began to glow a vivid lilac and my sharp teeth and claws formed as the wolf growled in my direction. One of my tendrils wrapped around it and smashed it against a tree causing it to whimper in pain as it fell to the ground. I got closer to it and it backed away, quickly getting up and running away. I chuckled and smirked.

"Pathetic..." I then looked back over at Y/n who was passed out on the ground. I walked over and scooped her up in my arms holding her close against my body. I stroked a hand against her cheek and her skin felt like ice, so I teleported back to my mansion and took her up to her room.

I laid her down on her bed and fixed up her wound, before I wrapped a warm blanket around her body. I was about to leave the room, but I then grabbed a pair of handcuffs that I kept in my coat pocket, and cuffed her to the bed, as I couldn't risk her escaping again. Even though I was mad that she disobeyed me, I was also just happy that she was safe. I softly stroked her hair out of her sleeping face, before I leaned in and  planted a gentle kiss on her fore head and smiled to myself  "Sleep well, my sweet Y/n" I then left the room and shut the door, before returning to my own room to rest.

((Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!))

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