Chapter 9

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Readers p.o.v  ~ the next day~

I woke up slowly and yawned, then blushed as I remembered the night before. I tried to sit up, but I felt two muscular arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I just smiled and turned to face offender, nuzzling my face gently into his chest.

I then heard a slight groan erupt from his chest, and I looked at him to see him looking at me

"Morning darling~" I blushed and smiled then cuddled into him once again

"G-good morning" He gently kissed my head, and stroked my hair softly, holding me as if I were something precious. I smiled and closed my eyes. resting one of my hand against his chest.

Offenders p.o.v

I held her close and smiled to myself, this was a dream come true, and nothing could wake me up, except for one thing. My brothers. Splendor and trender probably wouldn't be that bothered, but slender would hate me being with a human, so I would have to keep it a secret. At least  for a while so I could spend some nice time with Y/n. I looked down at her and smiled.

"Babe?" She looked up at me, with her gorgeous smile on her face

"Yes offender?"

"How would you like to go on a date with me?" Her face lit up and she nodded

"Y-yeah I would love to, but where should we go" I kissed her fore head gently and smiled

"Its a surprise" She smiled

"Okay, now I cant wait" We stared at each other for a few moments, smiling happily before our lips connected softly, and our arms wrapped around us, holding us in a warm embrace. I kissed her gently, passionately, but not rough, not lustily like I would have with other women. Then again, as long as I had Y/n I would never go near another woman again, because Y/n was all I needed to keep me happy.

We parted after a few passionate seconds and smiled, before I gently kissed her cheek

"I love you Y/n"

"I love you too offender" I smiled then got out of bed and stretched

"Y/n I have to go and get the surprise ready, I will be back soon okay?" She nodded happily and I kissed her fore head, but suddenly got a bad feeling then looked at her.

"Offender? Are you okay, you look worried"

"Y/n, I don't want to panic you, but if you hear anyone come into the house, please hide"

"What? Why?"

"My friends and family are nice people Y/n, but they aren't good with strangers. Just please trust me" She nodded

"Okay" I smiled and kissed her head then got dressed

"I will be back as soon as I can, love you" I then left the room and walked out of my mansion into the woods, to prepare the surprise.

Readers p.o.v

After a while I got out of bed, and got dressed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt then went downstairs to make myself breakfast. Luckily I had gotten used to the large layout of the mansion, and knew where all the rooms were, otherwise I would have gotten lost.

I walked into the kitchen and found some bread, so made myself a few slices of toast. I also poured myself a glass of orange juice, then sat down on one of the counters. I admired the room that I was in, until my gaze fell upon a photo on the wall.

I got off the counter then walked over to it, looking at the people in it. I could see offender, and three others in it. One with rainbow polka dots, one with a brown knitted vest, and the other with a midnight black suit and black tie. I looked at it for a few moments, then my eyes widened as I realised who the one in the suit was. Slenderman. The Slenderman. Offender and slender both looked so similar, so I don't know how I didn't realise before that they were related.

Even though it was a bit of a shock, I wasn't afraid, as I knew that Offender would protect me. But I then knew what offender meant by his family being funny with strangers. Slender would probably kill me if he caught me in offenders house. The thought made my heart beat speed up, so I shook away those thoughts. If anyone came in, I would just hide.

But at that moment, I heard a loud smash come from in one of the rooms in the mansion, and my heart skipped a beat. I quietly got down from the counter and looked around, my heart beating like crazy. I didn't know who it was, and that scared me. I then silently crept out of the kitchen, and made my way for the stairs.

I got to them, and looked around not seeing anyone. I sighed with relief, and was about to go up the stairs, but I was suddenly grabbed from behind, and a loud scream escaped my mouth.

((Thanks for reading! I'm so sorry that this update is late, I've been really busy with school and stuff, but I will try to update faster!))

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