Chapter 15

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Readers p.o.v

I woke up later on in the day, Offenders arms still strongly wrapped around my waist, and I sighed happily, resting my head on his firm chest. I nuzzled it softly, taking in his smells. After a few moments, he began to stir awake, then yawned as he looked at me sleepily.

"Hey babe" I smiled and kissed his head

"Hey, did you sleep well?" He nodded and smiled

"I had you by my side, so of course I did" I blushed then smiled and kissed his head and he held me close and sighed happily, then his stomach grumbled and I laughed softly.

"Hungry baby?" He nodded and chuckled

"Yeah, a little bit" I smiled and got up

"I'm hungry too, so I will make some breakfast, eggs and bacon sound okay?" He nodded

"That sounds wonderful babe" He then pulled me back down, and kissed me before letting go "I love you Y/n" I smiled

"I love you too" I then walked downstairs and saw that Splendor was no longer there, and just walked into the kitchen and began making breakfast.

Offenders p.o.v

I yawned and stretched as I sat up and got dressed into my normal outfit: trousers, a trench coat and a black fedora, with black boots. I looked in the mirror for a few moments and sighed slightly, as all I could ever see was a monster looking back at me but then looked away, going downstairs to Y/n.

As I walked downstairs I could smell the bacon and licked my lips. I walked into the kitchen, and went behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist as she cooked.

"That smells great baby" I smiled and she smiled

"Thanks, but it was hard to find everything, your kitchen is so big" She laughed and I chuckled then smirked slightly.

"Its big like me~" I cooed into her ear. She blushed darkly then turned around and playfully punched my shoulder, which made me chuckle and smiled.

"Shut up and stop distracting me" I smiled then let go of her waist

"Okay babe" She smiled then started to cook again, but I then heard a knock at the front door which made her stop.

"Who could that be?" I shrugged and smiled

"Probably just splendor" I then walked to the front door and opened it, and saw Splendor, but he pounced onto me sobbing. "H-hey Splendor what's wrong?" He cried and covered his face

"T-trender and Slender, they're gone" I looked at him

"What do you mean they're gone? They probably just went for a walk" he shook his head then looked at me

"Some furniture is slightly smashed up in his office, and there was some blood at the bottom of the stairs, next to Slenders tie" He then gripped onto me and I held him, stroking his back

"Shhh Splendor its okay, Slender is tough remember? They will be fine, he probably just got into another fight with Jeff" I wasn't so sure, but I had to keep Splendor calm, so smiled. "Come on, come and have some breakfast with me and Y/n, then after we can go to his mansion and look for them, okay?" He nodded and I then took him into the living room, sitting him down then walked to Y/n. "Babe?" Y/n looked over at me


"Could you make something for Splendor?" She nodded and smiled

"Of course I can" I nodded then sighed and walked over to her.

"After breakfast, I need to go to my brothers mansion, I have a feeling something's wrong" She looked at me

"What do you mean?"

"Splendor told me that he found blood and broken furniture at my brothers mansion, he could have just had a fight with one of his killers, but I need to check" She nodded then put the food onto plates

"I will come with you"

"It might be dangerous" She smiled and shrugged

"I don't care, I want to help" I smiled and kissed her head, then helped her bring the plates into the living room.

Readers p.o.v

We all sat and ate our breakfast, and once we finished all of us stood. I looked at them

"Lets go" They nodded and we walked to the front door and to Slender's mansion. As we walked, everyone remained silent, but Offender kept his arm wrapped tightly around my waist, which made me blush lightly.

I kept on glancing at Splendor who looked incredibly worried, so I walked to him and held his hand, gently rubbing it.

"Its okay, we will find them" He looked at me and smiled slightly

"Thank you my dear" I smiled back then looked at Offender who held me closer as we walked.

Eventually we made it to the mansion and walked inside and looked around. Offender questioned a few of the people that lived at the mansion, but everyone of them had been out so didn't know anything about Slender's and Trender's disappearance.

We then went upstairs into Slenders office, and a piece of paper on the desk caught my eye. It was neat on the desk, unlike the other piece of paper which were on the ground. I picked it up and it read:

"I have your precious brothers in my presence, and I suggest you come and find them if you want them to live. You will find them at my castle, along with myself and a thousand other demons ready to kill you before you ever get inside.

Up for the challenge? Lets see what you've got, and hurry or they will die.


I felt worried and looked at Offender

"Offender, who's Z?" He looked at me confused

"Hm?" I then handed him the paper and his confused expression quickly turned into shock and worry.


((The mystery guy was Zalgo, though some of you already knew that XD hope you enjoyed!!))

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