Chapter 6

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Readers p.o.v

I slowly woke up, my leg still burning in pain and my head slightly dizzy. I rubbed my neck then winced in pain as I remembered that a wolf had bitten me. That's when I jolted up and looked around the room then realised that I was no longer in the woods, but back in the mansion. I sighed with some relief as I had been rescued from the wolf, but I was back at the one place I didn't want to be.

I then tried to get up, but something attached to my wrist pulled me back, stopping me from leaving. I sighed when I realised that I had been cuffed to the bed and sat down. I looked up at the vanity that sat across me, and straight into its mirror. I looked exhausted and weak, but I could also see that the bite wound on my neck had been bandaged up and so had my leg. I smiled slightly then the door to my room opened and the offenderman walked inside.

"Good morning my sweet Y/n, how did you sleep?" I looked down, still very intimidated by him

"F-fine.." I whispered, before he walked over and sat down on the bed right next to me

"How are your wounds doing? Do they hurt still?"

"A little bit..I guess" He then moved one of his hands to my neck which made me flinch and quickly look away from him

"Sweet heart, I'm not going to hurt you. I saved your life remember? You surely must have more trust in me now?" I just remained silent and he sighed then looked closely at the bandages on my neck and I closed my eyes in slight fear. "Hm, I'm going to take your bandages off and give you new ones, I don't want it getting infected" I nodded slightly then he stood up and walked out of the room.

Offendermans p.o.v

"Sweet heart, I'm not going to hurt you. I saved your life remember? You surely must have more trust in me now?" She stayed silent and I felt a pain growing in my heart. I hated when girls feared me. Well usually I didn't mind it, but not Y/n. I didn't want her to feel fear towards me, I wanted her to feel safe, I wanted her to love me, like I was beginning to love her.

I looked at her bandages more closely and decided to change them for her. "Hm, I'm going to take your bandages off and give you new ones, I don't want it getting infected" I didn't think she noticed as she nodded, but I had a hint of sadness was in my voice. I stood up and walked out, going to the bathroom and getting clean bandages and also disinfectant. I held them then looked at the mirror and sighed. No wonder why she hated me, I was a monster inside and out.

I sighed then walked back to her and sat next to her once again. She stayed silent as I took off her bandages, and only let out small winces as I cleaned her wounds. I applied new bandages to her wounds before standing up

"Thank you.." She whispered softly

"Your welcome.." I replied to her and then looked at her "I can take your cuffs off your hand to allow you some freedom, but you must promise not to wonder off again" She nodded

"I promise.." I walked over to her and uncuffed her then looked at her

"You don't know how worried I was when I saw you weren't in the room, my heart stopped and when I heard your scream it smashed" She remained silent and I looked at her then gently held her jaw and kissed her cheek "That's why I wont allow you to leave here, these woods are a dangerous place, and I don't want you getting killed" I then walked out, shutting the door behind me and going downstairs and laying on the sofa.

Readers p.o.v

"You don't know how worried I was when I saw you weren't in the room, my heart stopped and when I heard your scream it smashed" His words kept on replaying in my head over and over again. For someone like him, he had a very sweet side to him. Somewhere inside me just knew that his emotions were real, and not faked. He really did care about me. The way he looked at me, spoke to me and treated me. I started to feel bad about running off, but quickly shook those thoughts away as I remembered the other side of him. The rapist.

After a while, I sat up and walked out of the room. It wasn't a good idea for me to think about It too much, so I just decided to walk around the mansion once again. There were many rooms all around the house. It must have been lonely for one person to live somewhere that big. I then walked into the living room and could hear quiet sobs, and that's when I saw offenderman clutching a pillow to his chest whilst sobbing in his sleep.

((Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!!))

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