Chapter 8

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Offendermans p.o.v

My heart began to beat faster as I confessed to Y/n and I smiled at the huge blush on her face

"Y-you love me?" I nodded

"I do my dear" I smiled and waited for her to say something but she stayed silent which made me nervous "A-are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm just surprised, but not in a bad way" I was getting worried that I was going to be rejected and stood up and she looked at me "Offender are you okay?" I nodded and backed away

"Y-yeah I'm f-fine" She then stood up

"Offender its okay, just sit down and talk to me" I shook my head

"I've just g-got something to do" I then ran up the stairs

"Offender!" I ran into my room and shut my door and panted. I was freaking out and becoming a nervous mess. I couldn't take being rejected, not again.

Readers p.o.v

I watched him run up the stairs and sighed. I loved him back, I was just overwhelmed to say anything, and I was always awkward with boys and the thought of love. I walked up the stairs slowly and knocked on his door.

"Offender, please let me in"

"G-go a-away" He sounded weak and I got worried

"Offender please, just talk to me"

"I g-get it I'm just a f-freak, I d-don't deserved to be loved" My heart hurt as I could hear the pain In his voice

"Offender I'm coming in" I opened the door and he was sitting on his bed, facing the wall away from me. I shut the door then walked over to him and sat beside him then placed a hand on his leg. "Offender, look at me please" His hands covered his face and he sobbed silently, so I moved his hands and looked at him and he tried to pull away

"Y/n l-leave me alone" I shook my head

"No, I'm staying right here" He looked away from me

"I'm a faceless monster, a freak so get away" He began to shake and pant and I looked at him

"Offender that's not true"

"Yes it is!"

"No its not!" Without thinking I pinned him down to the bed, and he looked at me slightly surprised. I blushed then gently stroked his cheeks, wiping away his tears. "Offender your not a freak, and your definitely not a monster" He sniffed and looked at me

"Then what am I?"

"Your you, and there's nothing wrong with who you are" He looked away

"Y/n I'm not loved or liked by anyone, so there must be something wrong with me.." I smiled then kissed his head

"Offender that's not true, because I love you" He then looked at me and blushed

"Y-you do?" I nodded and smiled

"I was just so happy that you confessed to me, and I didn't know how to react. I've never been confessed to before" He smiled then rubbed the back of his head

"I uh..I feel silly now" I chuckled softly then cuddled into him

"Don't, it doesn't feel nice to be rejected, just don't be so down about yourself. Your amazing and no where near a monster" He smiled then wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close.

"Thank you dear" I smiled and sighed happily

"I love you" He stroked my hair

"I love you too" I closed my eyes and rested against him, smiling happily.

((Thanks for reading I hope you all enjoyed!! I love you all!))

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