Chapter 12

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Readers p.o.v

After the wonderful night I had with Offender, we began to walk home, hand in hand and side by side. The thoughts of everything he had done for me, swam around my head and made me gently blush. Never before had I felt so close to someone, and never before had I felt so loved. I looked down at the ring he gave me and smiled, leaning against his side gently.

We walked through the moonlit forest, only the sounds of swaying leaves and chirping bugs and birds interrupting the silence. I sighed happily and he smiled a charming smile. I cuddled against his side, and felt happier than I had ever been. A perfect lover, everything that I could ever dream of having, nothing could go wrong. Or so I thought.

As we got closer to his house, I noticed that he seemed nervous, as he pulled me slightly closer against him, and started to look around us frequently, like something was following us, or something wasn't right.

"Offender, is something wrong?" He looked at me and slightly smiled, stroking my cheek softly

"Of course not, I'm just keeping you close to keep you safe, since its dark" I nodded slightly but wasn't sure and just stayed close to his side.

Eventually we made it back to the mansion but he seemed even more nervous than before. He looked at me as we stepped inside.

"Darling just wait here for a moment, I need to check on something" I was about to respond but he walked away and I just sighed. His silence and nervousness was making me nervous, but I tried to remain calm until he returned. It was late, so he could have just been checking the house to see that everything was okay, but it also could have been something worse. Being in the middle of a forest, it could have been anything.

After a few moments he walked back to me and put his hands on my shoulders, a desperate expression on his face.

"Y/n please go upstairs and stay there until I come to you" My heart started to beat faster as I knew something was very wrong.

"Why? Offender what's wrong?"

"Darling its-"

"Offender who are you talking to?" A deep, raspy voice interrupted him from the other room and offender looked at me.

"Please just go upstairs I will explain later" I nodded then quickly made my way to the stairs, going up and into our room. I quietly shut the door and sat down on the bed, my heart pounding in my chest. Someone was there, someone who Offender feared, so that made me terrified.

I remained in the room, staying silent for what seemed like forever, until I heard foot steps going up the stairs. I hoped that it was just Offender coming to check on me, or to tell me that everything was okay.

"Offender are you sure there is no one here?" It was the same raspy voice from before, so I quickly went over to Offenders large wardrobe and hid inside it. It was an awful hiding place but the steps were getting closer so I had no other choice. The door then opened and the steps came into the room, so I stayed as still and quiet as I possibly could.

"See, I told you no one is here apart from me" That was Offenders voice, and I could tell he was scared. A pair of steps then came close to where I was, almost In front, but stopped.

"Hm, alright, but I had sworn I sensed a human here"

"Don't be ridiculous, your probably just sensing a prostitute that I had here, but she's gone now" The steps then went away and left the room, and after a few moments the wardrobe doors were opened and I looked up to see Offender

"Baby are you alright?" I nodded and he then helped me out

"I'm okay, but what about you? You didn't sound okay back then" He looked at me

"I'm fine darling, I can handle myself" I nodded and hugged him and he hugged back "Y/n I love you, you know that right?" I nodded and looked at him

"Of course I do, I love you too" He smiled then pulled me into a gentle kiss, holding me close. I kissed back softly, smiling, but then pulled back as I heard a cough towards the door of the room. I looked over and my eyes widened at the figure standing there, watching us. He crossed his arms then spoke.

"Offender, if there is no human, then who is that?" I felt like I was going to pass out from fear. It wasn't just one of Offenders friends or an enemy, no, it was his oldest brother, the Slenderman and he didn't look very happy to see me.

((Sorry for the late update, I've been so busy with school work and revision ;-; Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!))

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