"Disney? Disney."

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*Lin's POV*

I couldn't believe what just happened. I got a phone call from Disney. The one and only Disney.

They called to ask if I was interested in a few new projects of theirs do maybe arrange the music.

I said yes, of course and was going to meet with them tomorrow around 8.

"You'll never believe what that was about" I said to Pippa

"Who was it? What'd they want? Come on, tell me. I need to get some sleep."

"Oh you know, just Walt Disney Company." I said trying to act like it was no big deal, when it was actually a HUGE DEAL.

"Disney?" She asked.

I nodded. "Disney."

She was shocked. She couldn't say anything but 'Disney'.

"They wanted to know if I was interested in doing the music for a few of their new projects." I started and smiled at my fiancée who was still in a state of shock.

"I said, yes, of course." I said and laughed lightly.

Pippa threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek.

"Lin! This is huge! I'm so happy for you!" She said pulling back from the hug to look at me.

I couldn't help but smile.

She was a leading lady, I finally had work, Sebastian's happy and healthy, everything is falling into place.

I didn't have a care in the world in that moment. I had all I needed to be happy.

*next day/morning*

Pippa was already at Amélie rehearsals, I had just dropped Seb off at daycare and I was off to driving to Disney Studios. This was a thrill of a life time.

I arrived promptly at 7:45, and waited in my until 7:55.

Once I walked in, I was amazed.

I was greeted by an attractive young lady by the name of Willow.

"Mr. Miranda? Hi, I'm Willow, I'm one of the secretaries here. If you would follow me, I'll lead you upstairs. They're waiting for you." She said and smiled at me, then led the way to the elevators.

The elevator reached the 5th floor and we stepped out.

"We're all so excited to have you here. We've been following your work for some time now, and continue to be impressed by you. To have you here is truly an honor." Willow said and made her way down a hall.

I smiled at her comments and was trying to keep my mind clear of distractions.

Pippa. Sebastian. Work. Music. Wedding.

I kept repeating to myself as I walked and looked at all the movie posters and animated drawings on the wall.

Willow started walking closer to me and her hand brushed against mine.

Pippa. Sebastian. Work. Music. Wedding.

I gave a half smile and walked behind her a bit.

Finally, we reached the room where I would be able to sit and talk business.

"Here you are, Mr. Miranda. Good luck in there" she said as she placed her arm on my shoulder and winked.

Pippa. Pippa. Pippa.

I kept repeating to myself.

"Ah! Mr. Miranda!" A man with a booming voice said to me and gestured for me to sit down.

I smiled and sat at his request and we started to talk business.

*Hope you guys enjoy. Like always comment what you think/ feel. - Matthew*

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