The Weeks Following

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Narrative POV.

After about a week in the hospital, Phillipa was sent home to finish her recovery and start focusing on getting better.

During her first week home, she wasn't feeling well enough to do much of anything. For the most part, she laid in bed, resting and relaxing. Lin and Sebastian, to the best of his ability, would make sure she was well taken care of and comfy. They pampered her and made sure she ate a sufficient amount, drank, slept, and anything else.

Pippa enjoyed the life of relaxation.

She was worry free; she didn't have to focus on rehearsals, well, not as of now anyway.

During the duration of her recovery, she was visited by anyone and everyone while Lin was at work.

Lin's parents, her parents, Renée, Jasmine, Anthony, Chris, Leslie, Oak, Daveed, etc, etc.

Around the five week mark, was when Pippa was regaining her strength. She was able to get out of bed, walk around, be active, participate in rehearsals, etc.

By seven weeks, it was like Pippa had never even had the surgery.

She was back to her normal self with no complications from the surgery.

To celebrate her recovery, Lin took his wife out for dinner.

The two wined and dined and had a night on the town.

They stumbled home around 2 AM, and crashed on the couch.

The morning following, things were like they used to be.

Lin was up first and making breakfast for his family.

Phillipa woke up at the scent of bacon and smiled as she walked to her husband and wrapped her arms around his waist.

After they ate breakfast, Pippa was suddenly jerked.

"Pippa? Pippa, it's me, Lin. Are you okay?" Lin said as he gently shook Pippa.

It was her first day home and she had passed out after walking up the stairs.

Pippa looked around.

She was on the couch, Lin kneeled down by her side.

"What happened?"

"Honey, you just got home from the hospital. You had surgery remember?"

"But I thought I was home weeks ago.."

Lin looked at her sympathetically.

"Baby, you might've been imagining that. Here, let's get you to the bed."

Lin helped his wife up and guided her to the bedroom.

"You lay down and relax and I'll take good care of you." He said as he kissed her head and pulled the covers over her.

Phillipa was fast asleep.

*Ha, again unexpected twists. Thanks for 2K reads! You guys are the best. Hope you enjoy. -Matthew*

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