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*Narrative POV*

The couple wed, and quickly embarked on a romantic getaway, or honeymoon, which ever you prefer.

They decided on going to Hawaii. They left the night of their wedding and arrived the next morning.

They stayed at a beautiful resort. Their room had a view of the water and a volcano. It was stunning.

After a few drinks, Lin and Pippa found themselves becoming rather flirty and touchy with each other.

*next day*

Lin woke up to the sight of his beautiful bride laying next to him. He smiled and kissed her forehead.

He got out of bed and walked out into the balcony to enjoy the serenity of the morning. Pippa would soon follow suit, her hair a mess and her eyes in a squint.

Pippa was a light weight; it didn't take much for her to get drunk. She was very hung over, but just as cute as ever.

Lin had decided that they should just have a day to themselves and relax; Pippa's hangover was bound to last for a while.

*that night*

Pippa's hangover finally passed and she was able to hold food down; she had previously been throwing up all morning.

"Well, if it isn't the beautiful Mrs. Soo-Miranda" Lin said smiling at his wife who was standing in the door frame. She blushes and smiled at him.

After a week of their Hawaiian getaway, it was time to head back home.

They boarded the airplane and found themselves landing in LAX in a matter of hours.

"Home. As husband and wife.." Pippa said and smiled at her husband.

A/N: So I was gonna write more, but I kinda lost my energy to. Anyway, sorry it's short. But I tried and hope you guys enjoy. But I'm honestly running out of ideas. Comment some ideas or anything and I'll see how I like them. Also, thanks for 600 reads and all the votes! I appreciate it! -Matthew.

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