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*Lin's POV*

Gone. Within seconds, that precious life was gone. I wasn't sure of what I felt. But I knew that I felt like a part of me was taken away.

It's been weeks, and Pippa hasn't spoken a word. She spends hours in our bedroom, or hours in the nursery. She doesn't think I can hear, but I know she silently sobs when she's alone.

Sebastian's notice the change, and he can't make sense of it. Everyday, he draws a picture for Pippa, hoping to get a smile. She takes it and hugs him. That's all.

I can't manage to get her to look at me. She looks down or in the opposite direction.

I just want a sign. A sign of life. A sign of knowing that my wife is still in there somewhere.

I flew her parents in hoping for a smile.

I only got my hand held. She's distancing herself. All I want is to hold her and tell her it'll be okay.. but I can't sleep in the same bed as her.

When I lay in bed with her, she gets up or sleeps in the chair. I've resulted to the couch.

I'm doing everything I can, but, it's no use... she's gone and I don't know what to do.

Her family, friends, and co workers stop by on a daily basis to try to cheer her up.

They bring plants, flowers, cards, and chocolates.

She manages to give them small smilies that quickly fade.

*few days later*

I think back to 'Hamilton' and that's when an idea hits me.

'It's Quiet Uptown'

Maybe if I play that on piano, it would spark something inside of her and I could get her to talk.

I head to the piano and start playing the song.

Soon after, I see her walk into the room and sit besides me at the piano bench.

"Look at where we are. Look at where we started. I know I don't deserve you Eliza, but hear me out, that would be enough. I don't pretend to know, the challenges we're facing, I know there's no replacing what we've lost, and you need time. But I'm not afraid, I know who I married."

She looked at me and I could see tears forming in her eyes, that only made me begin to cry too.

After playing some more, a soft voice spoke.

'It's quiet uptown..."

She let me inside, I felt her lean into my side and I pulled her into the tightest hug.

It really was quiet uptown, and we never liked the quiet before.

*ooo, three updates again! Hope y'all enjoy. -Matthew*

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