Moving Foward

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*Lin's POV*

It's been about 3 weeks since Pippa told me about her needing an organ transplant. It hasn't been easy on our family, but we're managing.

Things have been kinda crazy lately. Pippa had to stop 'Amélie' for now to focus on her health and to attend doctors appointments, I had to try to balance my work, a sick wife, and a young child. It's a lot.

We had just dropped Seb off at daycare; we were taking a day for ourselves just to relax and to talk over everything, because there was a lot to talk about.

We were walking the streets and were met by the cool winter breezes. It was cold, but not freezing so it felt nice.

Pippa held my hand and walked close to me the entire time. I smiled and kisses her head.

We found a cute little diner and decided to stop in there for lunch.

As we sat down, I looked at my wife, just admiring her beauty. I could tell she was nervous. I could tell she was afraid.

We were playing the waiting game.

Everyday we waited, hoping to hear from the doctors.

Hoping for a match.

Hoping for something..

Pippa looked up from the menu and looked at me.

"Lin? What are you getting?" She asked.

"Oh-" i said and looked down at the menu.

"You know what, screw it. Let's get a big ass thing of cheese bacon fries!"

She looked at me, laughed, and shook her head.

... we got the fries.

"Told ya they're good!" I said with a chuckle.

Pippa nodded.

"Yeah! You hardly touched any!"

I laughed and gazed back at her eyes.

Life was gonna go on.

We were gonna go on.

Everything will move forward, despite this set back.

A little scared, but it's okay, cause I got my Pips and she has me.

We just have to move forward.

*Hey. Sorry for the lack of updating. Things have been crazy as of late, but, I hope you guys all realize the message in this chapter. Whatever is getting you down or setting you back, keep moving forward, it's gonna be alright. I don't know how much I'll be updating due to a death in my family, but I'll do my best. Thank you all so much for the love and the support! -Matthew.*

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