Engagement-King Samuel

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A/N So this is an Engagement scene between 'king' George and Samuel Seasbury.

Georges POV

'Omg the ring is beautiful he will love it' Laf said to me. When I showed them the Hufflepuff ring with a quote saying ' happiness can be found in the darkest of places...'

I had the other ring saying 'if one remembers to turn on the Light' I was so nervous he would say no.

Laf is trying to cheer me up by saying things like ' He will say yes' and ' He can't ever say no to you' I cheered up a bit but then I remembered why I was so nervous again.

'it is fine and we will all be there too'

2 hours later

' Ladies and gentlemen you could have been anywhere in the world tonight but your here with us in New York Citys very own Blue Hill. Now the issue is what to eat well we have green cabbage, sea scallop and so on. Please wait and let us blow you away' the over head speaker says to us.

It was me, Sammy, Laf, Herc, George, Angelica, Thomas, James(Madison), Maria, Peggy, Eliza, Alex, John, Aaron and Theo. We all waited in line for about 10 minutes before getting a seat in the middle of the restaurant.

After we ordered our food I went to the front desk and asked to see the manager they did and took me to the managers room.

In the room it was a beautiful ceder wood with a dark wooden desk with a Samsung laptop and a rose red carpet. It had pictures of City landscapes and the London Bridge.

I walked in and saw a man about mid 30s who wore a navy blue suit with a black tie. When he saw me he smiled and said:

"Come and have a seat sir."

I walked over and sat on a leather armchair and started getting nervous again because it is almost time to propose to Sammy.

I start explaining my plan and after that he said it was a brilliant plan and was happy to help with it.

I walked out again and reached our table and give everyone a thumbs up when Sammy turned his head around to talk to Eliza and Peggy.

30 minutes, later because the author doesn't know what to write, the dessert came and also the time to propose.

I got the signal from the band players and took a deep breath and knelt down on one on knee.

And said:
"Samuel Seasbury I have had this moment in my mind from the minute I meet you because you are the love of my life. I love the way you always take care of me and our friends, I love the way you always know what to say and how to cheer everyone up and I love the way you choose to be my boyfriend after realising I have so many quirks.You hold me together and built me back up when I was in pieces. You are my bestfriend and I can't think of anybody I would rather spend the rest of my life with. Will you marry me?"

I pull out the ring at the end bit and looked up at him. He was in tears and nodding his head frantically. I put the ring on his finger and when I stood up he pulled me in for a kiss.

It was a sweet soft kiss until I felt his tongue on my lip asking for entry, I let him and he deepens it by pulling me closer and taking dominance over it. We only pulled apart when we finally heard the cheers of our friends and some sobs from the girls and John.

After lots of congratulations and hugs from everyone me and my fiance go home and well let's just say not a lot of sleep was done………

Note: So this is something that has been on my mind for ever and I needed it off. Also I used an actual restaurant and here is the menu.

 Also I used an actual restaurant and here is the menu

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Your dearest, Megan.

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