Poly New ship?

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Hey Gayfam. Right so first time writing one of these and well let's see if it's good *NOT PROOF READ CAUSE IM TIRED*


Alex was in love. With John but something was off. He also loved Lafayette but also Hercules. He didn't know what to say so he stayed inside all day and contemplated his options.

1. Confess his feelings to the three. And face rejection.

2. Continue to go out with John and don't tell anyone.

3. Change his name, head to Mexico and start a family.

He shook his head at the third one deciding it was probably not best and his adoptive father could probably find him if he did.

The second option was his best choice so that's what he decided to do. He stayed with John until one day in college that changed everything.


John was with Alex so why did it feel like something was missing. Not just one person but two people. His best friends in fact, Lafayette and Hercules.

He was not going to say anything because he did not want that rejection. And Alex would leave him so if he can't have all of them he will have one.


Lafayette was crying. His tears hitting his arms and his open cuts. Lafayette wiped his eyes and covered his arms and put on a fake smile. No one would question him cause that's all they say. The fake smile and long sleeves.

His fake smile hid his feelings for Hercules, John and Alex. His feelings that will get him rejected and thrown out for being that weird freak that likes three guys.


Hercules was at a girls house after sleeping with her. He got up and left the room without even looking back. He couldn't deal with not having a distraction from Lafayette, John and Alex.

He didn't want to sleep around but in reality he didn't have anything else to do. He didn't want to feel emotions like love cause the will just get you reject. He felt like this because of three people. John, Alex and Lafayette.

~~ right backstory bit done~~

"Alex get your sorry ass off of me before I call your boyfriend and tell him your on top of me," I shout from underneath Alex. I looked the other way to stop Him, and Herc seeing my blush. When Alex eventually got off John walked in, with chips and soda, and looked at the position we were in and I just shrugged and looked at the game on the floor. Monopoly.

He nodded and then placed all the food on the table and joined the group on the floor. They all started to play some games. Halfway through the second game John got up and headed to the fridge and brought back a couple glasses and some drinks. Alex dived for the vodka while Lafayette went for the Wine and Hercules went for the beer. Laf opened the bottle and drank straight from the bottle with Hercules laughing at him.

Alex then opened his and done the same. After a couple hours and a load of drinks later most of the group was drunk. And them being stupid decided to play a game called Truth or Dare. Cause nothing could go wrong.

"Alex truth or Dare?" Herc asked Alex. "Truth," he replied. Hercules was quiet for a second before drunkenly saying "Have you and John ever had sex?" Alex looked at his boyfriend and then nodded and said "yeah it's great. So Herc Truth or Dare?" He asked the boy beside him. "Dare," Alex looked amazed and then said "kiss the hottest person in the room," John him looked at his boyfriend and was stunned. Hercules being his drunk comedic self replied "but I can't kiss myself so second hottest person it is," he crawled over to Laf then kissed him. Alex cheered and John sat there quiet.

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