Mario Kart

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A\N Heyyyyy gayfam new chapter. Woop!! Also guess what. For my Birthday I got tickets to go see Hamilton next year!!!!!!! I got three tickets and it is in London. So carry on with the chapter. Enjoy x

(Quick note this chapter doesn't have smut but it will have a bit of Lime. I will tell you when and you can skip it)


Jeffersons POV

"Hey Jemmy do you know how I am your bestfriend through everything-"

"What do you want Thomas?" rude and disrespectful if you ask me..

I hold up a game that I had found in the attic while looking for things to bury Hamilton with. I have never played it because everyone says it will ruin your friendships with everyone. I am going to prove them wrong.

"No, No And guess what NO!!" looks like I get to use the Puppy eyes. I give him the best ones I could muster.

"Thomas Do not use Those eyes on me. That game is a terrible game that should be burned."

"Please Jemmy I want to prove Hamilton wrong" I was still giving him the eyes. I pray to the all mighty Misha Collins he says yes.

"If I say yes will we only play one game of it?"


"Set it up then" Yes wow!!


I set up the game and gave James the controller and skimmed over the rules. I then threw the rules away 'cause no one needs rules. Right? We went 'straight' to the Rainbow Road because we are gay ass Motherfuckers. Out of the corner of my eyes I seen James smirk as I clicked the hardest race difficulty.

"Alright James. Get ready to lose"

"Thing is Thomas I was a child who never went out and spent every day playing this game so yes get ready to lose"

That sly, sly Person.

We hit the play button and chose our characters. I went as Princess Peach because she has a beautiful dress. While James chose Mario  because apparently he has the best cars and I quote him on this 'Mario is a sexy beast who has awesome cars and gets all the girls' sometimes I wonder about him.

We start our race and it was going great until the second lap. That was when James took over. All because he had a blue shell. I tried getting back in front but it didn't work.

~~What time is it?~~

It is now the 20th time I have tried to win but James is still beating me. I look at him and see him concentrate. His eyes were so focused they looked more black than a nice elegant brown they normally are. His hair hadn't been done properly giving him the beautiful look he has now.

I had always liked him but I never said anything because I knew he wouldn't like me that way. That is why I bury myself in work and guys. I have never really had a connection with any of them as much as I do with James. 

In the heat of the moment I leaned over and kissed him. Just slightly though so he could move if he wanted. He did move but not in the way I thought he would. As soon as I moved back he pulled me back in kissing me back but much harder than I did. I liked it. I felt his hands in my hair making me move closer to him. I was now almost on his knees. I moved my hands down his chest and decided I didn't like his top. I pull it off breaking our lips for a second before I brought my lips crashing down on his again.

He tugs my hair slightly, only enough to make my head move back. On instinct I bite my bottom lip to stop a moan getting out as he starts kissing my neck. He stops at the base of my neck and starts making a bruise. He looks back up at me and tells me to stop biting my moan back. His voice lower than usual making me shiver. He goes back to kissing my neck making me moan. A little louder than I would like to say. He smirks then pulls my top of placing kisses in all my scars. He stops before looking at me and asking with his eyes if he could continue. I nod not wanting to speak because I know my voice would break.

(It gets heated here)

He strips my trousers of before throwing them away. He starts kissing my legs from my thighs to my knees all while looking at me. As he got back to my thighs I let out another moan. He stopped then moved to the next leg making me moan in desperation. I could feel him laughing slightly while he moved back up my legs.

It was then my phone went off. I ignored it not wanting the moment to stop because this might only be a one chance thing. I could feel him move up to my fave again and his breath on my ear.  "Now Thomas what do you want?" his voice sounded possessive and lower than usual. I loved hearing that voice. "Thomas answer me" he said in more of a growl kind of voice. "Please James I need you"

"Okay" it was when he started moving down again when the door went. We ignored it and after five minutes it stopped but we heard the sound of keys turning. I look at James who was wide eyed and looking at me. We quickly got changed before the person came into the living room where we were.

(It is done now)

The living room door opened to reveal Aaron Burr. A good friend of ours. He took one look at us and said "Am I interrupting your own free time" he smirked before continuing. "Hey Thomas you are late for work but Washington said you can have the day off. Apparently you have been 'working to much these days' so I'll leave yous too it" he left leaving us lunch behind. I walk over to it and seen a note attached to it.

'hey, Washington asked me to bring you this and told me to tell you to be a little quieter next time. ;) -Burr'

"Shit-doodles" I shout loud enough for James to look over and ask what was wrong.

"Nothing much just Washington maybe heard us earlier on. He must of came over and we didn't hear" I hear him laughing and turned round to see him right behind me. He leans in to kiss me and I let him. We pull back after a while and he grabs my hand to pull me over to the long forgotten Mario Kart game. We start playing again until I stopped it and said.

"Does this mean we are together or just friends?" I was nervous he would say it would never happen again. But he didn't say anything and just pulled me into a kiss again. Not a hard one more of a kind and gentle one. He stopped and whispered a quiet yes before going back to kiss me.

We headed upstairs leaving the Game and Food downstairs. I was right this game was a good idea. If you lived beside us let's just say you wouldn't be able to sleep for the night.


So what do you think. I also have no idea where that came from. I thinks I seen a Tumblr post about it. Also the Oscars ate tonight. Can't wait for them. LMM definitely deserves it. That is all. Bye x

Your dearest, Megan

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